Chapter 27~Old Friend

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Kalilas POV
"Morning." Damian says kissing one of them with a smirk. I smiled as we kissed deeply and broke away. He pulled me in the shower with him as he smirked. "Your crazy." I say kissing him. "We both are beloved." He says as we kept kissing. We got out and dried off. We changed as he pulled me closer to him. I hugged him as he hugged me back with a smile. "See you later Damian."

I say kissing his cheek as I teleported inside the penthouse. "HEY MOM!" I shout. "Kalila!" She says hugging me as I hugged her tightly. "Look at you all grown up." She says smiling as she fixed my hair a bit. "Kalila!" Jeffry says hugging me tightly. "Hi Jeffry." I say with a chuckle. "Kalila." Mike says with a smile as he hugged me.

He's not shady I just didn't trust him. "Mike." I say hugging him back as we let go of the hug. "You were suppose to be here yesterday." Mom says smirking at me. "I went see Damian first cause I know you too." I say as they blushed as Jeffry laughed. "Which is why I'm staying with them and not here." I say smirking as Jeffry chuckled and nodded. "Don't have too much fun."

Mom says with a smirk. "Same for you." I say smirking as they blushed deeper as I laughed and teleported back inside scaring everyone. I snicker. "I didn't miss that when you were in New York." Jason says calming down as Bruce chuckled at me. "I'm not letting certain people know I'm here." I say as they know what people I was talking about and nodded. "Don't need that again."

I mumble as I shake it off. "Well Bane is in isolation, Trapped in a box room with no windows." Dick says with a smirk. "Well he can't mess with me cause I got control of my powers." I say with a smile as they look a bit shocked and impressed. "How'd that happen?" Jason asks as Dick smacked him. I told them how and Jason was still shocked. "How was that everyday?" Dick asks. "Horrible."

I say annoyed as they laughed. My phone buzzed and I looked at it. Dick threw something as I caught it with my powers with a smirk. "Nope." I say as everyone laughed. "Look at you." Dick says with a smirk as Bruce chuckled at me. Me and Damian walked outside. He smiled and caresses my cheek. "I'm glad your back." He says resting his forehead on mine. "Me too." I say as we kiss softly. We break away as he smiled at me. "You look amazing by the way."

He whispers making me blush as I playfully push him as he chuckled looking at me. My phone buzzed and I looked at it. I call her back. "Hey Rose." I say with a chuckle. "Girl guess what!" She shouts. I roll my eyes. "What?" I ask with a chuckle. "Me and Rick are back together!" She says excitedly. "Bye Rose." I say with a giggle as I hang up. "Rosalie." I say as he chuckled and hugged me tightly. "Lila Lila!"

Lynne shouted running up to me. "What before you get caught?" I ask as Damian chuckled at her. "The dance class is still there and Ms Linda's still there." She says excitedly. "And the point is?" I ask. "Come on we have to go." She says smiling. "Fine." I say annoyed as she clapped and dragged us both. "Why do I have to go?" He asks annoyed. "Because I said so." She says sassily as I chuckled.

I told him something in Arabic as he chuckled looking at me. "I know you two are talking about me but your lucky I don't know Arabic." She says as we both laughed. We walked inside. "KALILA!" Everyone shouted as they squeezed me and Lynne tightly. "We can't breath." Lynne says as they chuckled and let go of us. "Kalila how you been dear?" Ms Linda says hugging me tightly. "I've been fine, Been with this one."

I say as Lynne smirked and put a arm over my shoulder. "Ya love me best." She says as Damian smirked at me. "Yeah you and Ericks noises are very lovable." I say sarcastically as Damian and Ms Linda laughed. "You heard that?" She asks nervously. "We share a huge apartment close to Juilliard I think the whole school heard it."

I say annoyed as Damian chuckled and hugged me. "Well seems you to are having some fun." Ms Linda says with a smirk. "Were here to dance." Lynne says excitedly. "Excellent." Linda says smiling as her class clapped loudly. "You too have any Dances you been working on?" Miss Linda asks. Lynne smirked so huge. "Oh yes we do." She says with a smirk. I laughed as Damian smirked at me. "Alright." I say as they clapped loudly. We got in the middle and started. Kalila on the right. ☝️☝️

They cheered loudly as Lynne smirked as I laughed. "Nicely done." Ms Linda says with a chuckle. We walked back over to Damian as he smirked at me. I chuckled and kissed his cheek. We watched the others do there dance and it was pretty good. We left after saying bye to Miss Linda. "Well I'm going back see my mom, She's not doing so well after my dad died from cancer."

She says as I hugged her as she walked away. Damian grabbed my hand as we walked down the street. "I didn't know her father died." He says looking at me. "She didn't want to tell many people, We came to Gotham for his funeral but I didn't tell you guys cause I'm trying to stay hidden a bit." I say as he nodded understanding. "Those scars still there?" He asks very concerned. "I was able to heal the main ones,

The one on my eye and neck is permanent." I say as he looked at me softly. "I'm fine, I promise." I say kissing his cheek. He grabbed my hand tighter. "You been threw way to much since you lived here for 2 years, I wish it didn't happen as bad as it was." He says making me look at him.
Bruce was watching the city when he noticed the too.
"Hey, If none of that happen, We wouldn't be like this." I say as he smiled and kissed my cheek. "True." He says squeezing me tightly. "My eyes are a bit darker cause I'm disguising them, Something with my powers." I say as he chuckled and nodded. My eyebrows scrunched up as I sensed something and Damian did to. "Yes we got it."

We hear someone say. "Wait a minute." I say stopping him as he looked at me confused. "I kinda recognize that voice." I say a bit weird. It had a England sound. She walked out and was on the phone. Her eyes widened once she saw me. "Li!" She says excitedly as she hugged me. "Dana!" I say excitedly as I hugged her back. "What are you doing here?" I ask as we let go of the hug. "My Father still lives here unfortunately so yeah."

She says as we chuckled. "And I'm stuck with him while my mother is having the time of her life on a cruise." She says sarcastically as I chuckled. She's was my best friend since we were in diapers. I introduced them and Damian smiled politely as always. "I see you Li." She says with a smirk as I chuckled as he hugged me. She rolled her eyes. "Dad calm your ass down I ran into Kalila." She says with a chuckle. "Bye." She says with a chuckle as she walked away. "Friend?" He asks. "Best friend since we were born basically, Our fathers were best friends." I say as he nodded. "Her fathers a drug addict but she's not, Which is why she hates visiting him and is always out." I say as his face scrunched up a bit. He smiled and grabbed my hand as we went back to the manor.

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