Chapter 24~Secrets Deep Down

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Kalilas POV
We ran inside. Doctor Herald looked at me concerned. We walked up to him. "Sister?" He asks. "friend, She can know." I say as he nodded as we started walking. "Strangely your mother slipped into a coma by a reaction to the medicine, We don't know how to wake her up or get her out of it."

He says as I looked at her softly. "Thanks for telling me." I say softly as he nodded concerned as he walked out. "Do you want me to leave?" She asks. "No, If I'm by myself I would for real destroy something and I rather it not be Banes neck." I say sternly.
Bruce and Damian were spying on them.
"She was just fine yesterday what the hell happened?" I ask softly. I use my powers on my mother when she looked away. My eyes widened as I make my eyes stop glowing. "I knew it." I growl under my breath. "What?" She asks. "Nothing." I say as my eyes were still angry.

Something snapped in my mind and my eyes glow a tiny bit black. I looked at Gotham and I search for Bane. "I'll see you tomorrow Kalila, Don't hurt anyone." She says serious before she walked out. "No promises." I say sternly as I walk out and stormed down the street. I'm not letting anything get in my way. They were following her.
I blast him in the face and he hit the wall making a giant hole. "H-Hey Kid." Bane says nervously. I smirk and flip him on his back as his entire back got broken. My eyes glowed black.

Damian's POV
"Her powers are taking over with all that anger." Father says whispering. "You have to stop her." He says looking at me as I look at Kalila.

Kalilas POV
I nearly have him dead when I prepare my powers to kill him. "Kalila stop!" Damian shouted as my eyes widened as my powers looked at him. "L-Listen to the kid." Bane says weakly. My eyes angered and I looked back at him. My eyes kept changing. "la tafeal dhlk." (don't do it.) Damian says looking at me. My eyes changed back to normal and my powers blast him towards the wall and I fell on the ground. Bruce went up to him to call Arkham as Damian walked up to me quickly. He hugged me tightly. "It's ok." He whispers holding me tightly. I clutch him tightly as he kept his arms around me.

Bruce's POV
I smiled at them from afar. They both care about each other exactly the same. They were talking in Arabic so I didn't understand them but I got most of what Damian said which made me smile at him.

Kalilas POV
We made it back to the manor but I wanted to be alone so I just went to the room and closed the door. I sat against the door locking it.
Bruce and Damian were spying as always.
I looked at pictures of me and my father I still kept. I stoped at a video where I was with my brother Keaton and he was messing up my hair.

"Sis what is wrong with you?" He asked with a chuckle. "Many things." I said sassily as I backflipped 10 times in a row. "Kal stop before you get backflip lash." Keaton said stopping me with his arms. "That's not even a thing." I said with a giggle. "This hair is a huge thing." He said as he started messing up my hair. I smacked his hand away as we both laughed and hugged.

I looked at it stopped on him messing up my hair. I sigh and look away from it. "I'm not letting my mother get killed like everyone else." I say softly. My bracelet was in pieces and I couldn't stop my powers. They bounce off the window going in a circle as I stop it with my hand. I thought about my brothers death and my eyes started to widen as my powers started showing. "No no!" I say trying to stop it but I couldn't.

Me and Keaton were both tied to the wall after they gave us the same amount of drugs. "Sis we cant do this anymore." He said with his head hung low. We were 13. "What the hell are we suppose to do beat his ass to the ground? Dad doesn't even know what he's doing to us and when he finds out somethings gonna happen to him."

I said coughing up a bit of blood. Bane and his men walked in. "Alright brats time for more fun." He says darkly. They unchained us and we fell hard on the ground. They pushed us out the room harshly and made it to the room I always hated. "I thought we were done today, Alexandre." I said harshly. "What did you say brat, You both are weapons your not human beings."

He said getting up in my face. "Maybe you need to be taught another lesson." He says darkly as he put the knife to my neck. Keaton broke free from the men and tackled him to the ground and started beating him up but the men grabbed him tightly. "Don't ever touch my sister asshole." He says coldly. Bane chuckled darkly. "Hang him."

He said. "NO!!!!!!" I shouted as he held my neck tightly. I watched in horror as the hung him by his neck. "SIS DON'T LET ME DIE!" He shouted as I tired breaking free from Bane as he put the knife in my neck and the last thing I saw was my brother hanging lifeless.
Tears were falling down my face fastly. I made myself get up and I walk towards the mirror. I look around. I close my eyes as I make my scars appear. I look at them but the main one that stands out is the huge scar on my eye. I smash the mirror and made them disappear. I shake my head and jump out the window and just ran.

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