Chapter 4~Learning New Things

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Kalilas POV
My mother made me go to school today since it was Tuesday. I spent a day at home but I was worried about my powers messing up. I changed into my uniform and walked downstairs. "I know it's gonna be hard keeping your powers down but please try to hun." My mother says putting a locket on me. "It's of you and your dad, Look at it to calm down ok?" She asks as I nodded. "Bye Mom."

I say getting in the limo as Jeffry Drives away. I got out and walked inside. There were many whispers and rumors on why I wasn't at school yesterday. I noticed Damian with the girl who punched me so I almost walked past them. "Damian leave her alone you got me." She says grabbing his arm.

He glared at her and she screams frustrated and stomped away. I snicker as Damian walked up to me. "Had fun there?" I ask with a smirk. He glared at me but rolled his eyes and chuckled a tiny bit. "She was all over me and lying about you saying you punched her first." He says as we started walking. "Ok to be fair I wanted to but I was trying to be nice to that clown in makeup."

I say as he smirked at me. "Is that bracelet fixed yet?" He asks whispering. "No unfortunately, But if no one makes me mad or annoyed they'll stay calm... hopefully." I whisper as he nodded. We went to class and sat down. "Hey girly where were you yesterday?" She asks. "Slept in late." I say as she nodded. "You lie easily Eddison." He says. "Practice." I say making him smirk at me. "Oh Welcome back Miss Kalila." Ms Kema says smiling. "Hey Ms Kema." I say with a smile.

Me and Damian went to our seats. "Alright class Paint a beautiful background of what inspires you the most." She says as I think of something. My eyes light up as I got some paints and started painting. I finished as Ms Kema walked over. "Wow, Kalila you have a natural talent for painting."

"Thank you, I visited this place with my father on my 10th birthday

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"Thank you, I visited this place with my father on my 10th birthday." I say as Damian looked at it and looked at me. "Well it's wonderful." She says smiling before she walked away. "Look at you Miss Artist." Stephanie says as I smiled. People kept staring at my neck and I covered it up with my jacket as Damian glared at them and they went back to painting.

Every other class was boring and I don't remember much. It was time for Lunch and me and Damian went outside cause he wanted to talk. "That bruise didn't go away yet?" He asks. "No, The man that sorta pushed me on the wall tried to strangle me apparently." I say annoyed. I use my powers to cover it up quickly as he looked a bit impressed. "All gone." I say quickly. "Hey lovebirds!"

Stephanie says excitedly. "We are not lovebirds." I say annoyed as Damian nodded glaring at her. "Then what were you too talking about in private?" She asks. "The bruise on my neck from Saturday." I say as she looked a bit shocked but nodded. "What were you doing walking by yourself in Gotham?"

She asks as Damian looked at me for an answer. "I was going to that place I saw when the plane landed and seems I got attacked, I'm not blind about the city." I say annoyed. "It happened before but I punched him in the jaw and he fell unconscious." I say shrugging my shoulders. "Hey can one of you show me to 242?" A girl asks looking at Damian. "I'll show you come on." Stephanie says winking at me before they walked away with a annoyed girl. "That happens a lot doesn't it?"

I ask. "Constantly." He says pissed of. "Hey, Calm." I say looking at him. He calmed down a bit. "There." I say with a smile. "Why do you want to help me?" He asks looking at me. "I don't know." I say with a smirk as he rolled his eyes and chuckled looking at me.

Damian's POV
She's really different then these clowns. In a good way. After a few days of talking to me girls usually be all over me, But Kalila, She's different, She's been traumatized, It shows in her eyes, And I sound insane right now but, I.... want to help her strangely.

Kalilas POV
I thought of something and looked away. "What?" He asks a bit concerned. "It's nothing." I say reassuring. "I'll tell you later." I mumble looking at the people. A tear formed in my eye as he scrunches his eyes brows and wiped it away with his thumb. I looked at him for a bit and he looked at me exactly the same. The bell rang and we broke away quickly. "I'll Uh see you later?" I say as I started walking. "Eddison." Damian says walking up to me quickly. "I'll go with you, My Father has guest over for the company." He says. "Sure I'll just tell my mother before she says something in front you." I say as I text her.
Is he your boyfriend?

I fake cough and turn it off. "She said cool so let's go." I say as we got in the car as Jeffry drove away. "So Kalila your mother wants to talk to you later about that bracelet you got from your father." Jeffry says. "Ok Jeffry, Don't tell my mother but he knows so quit pretending to be an actress." I say with a smirk. He chuckled. "You always gotta talk Kalila, Secrets safe with me."

He says as Damian chuckled a tiny bit. We got out and went inside. "Hey hun." Mom says hugging me. "Ok we're going do homework now." I say grabbing his arm as we went upstairs. He smirked. "She seems happier, Anyone here last night?" He asks. "I honestly don't want to know, I keep my music loud to not hear that."

I say as he snickered. We sat on the couch and started our homework. We got interrupted when my bracelet bounced off the wall. I sigh and grabbed it. "It's been glitching ever since it broke and my father was the only one who could fix it." I say annoyed. "Can I see it?" He asks. I walk over and hand it to him. "I can try to fix it if you want." He says. "I mean you can try but it's very old."

I say as he nodded and put it in his book sack and we got back to doing our homework. "Kalila your kitten wants in your room." My mother says. I got excited and I opened the door and picked her up. "Hey Icy." I say as she meows quietly and rubs on my ear. "Who's that?" He asks. "Oh it's my kitten Icy, I got her a week ago." I say as Icy jumped on him and rubbed on him.

I laugh at his mad face. "Should have warned you she's very friendly." I say with a smirk. He chuckled a tiny bit and pet her gently as she closed her eyes making him smile a pinch. "Well her name suits her." He says with a small smile. "Yep, Snow Fur and a green and blue eye." I say as she jumped on my shoulder climbing up to my head as he smiled a bit at me.

I got her off and put her on her small cat tower as she went to sleep. I sat back on the couch and we talked since we finished our homework. "So your name is in Arabic?" Damian asks curious. "Yeah, It means Heap of love surprisingly, My grandparents were from Somalia."

I say as he looked impressed. "So I can speak Arabic,French,Dutch and Russian." I say as he looked shocked and impressed. "Most of my family on my mothers side speak Arabic." He says as I nodded looking at him. His phone buzzed. "See you tomorrow, Eddison." He says before he walked out the door.

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