Chapter 32~His Other Half

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Kalilas POV
Damian was on top of me as we were kissing. It was morning and we did everything imaginable. We break away as he smiled at me. We kissed softly and broke away. "You know, I've been thinking." He says kissing on my stomach. "Yeah?" I ask I kept it together. "I was thinking we take a walk with just us." He says as he kissed back up to my chest. "Or we could stay here and watch a movie with just us."

I whisper nibbling his ear as he smiled. "We'll go on a walk tomorrow." He says a bit distracted as he kept planting kissing on my stomach and he kissed me deeply. I walked in since he got another call. I got in the tub and relaxed. I didn't want a shower today. I made it full of bubbles and I closed my eyes.

Damian's POV
One of my ex's keeps calling me and I knew Kalila knew but didn't want to say anything. I walked in and I noticed her in a tub with bubbles listening to music as I chuckled at her.

Kalilas POV
Damian pulled me closer making my headphones get out. He caresses my cheek as we kiss softly as we were in the tub. We dried off as he messes up my hair as I chuckled. We changed as he picked me up and carried me to the couch In my room as we sat down. "I love you." He whispers in my ear. "Love you to Dami."

I say as he put a movie on as I snuggled in his chest. "HEY LOVEBIRDS BREAKFEAST!" Rosalie shouted as Damian chuckled and kissed my cheek. We walked downstairs holding hands. Damian turned his phone off as his ex called again. "Awww!" Rosalie says with a smile. Damian squeezed me tightly. "15 to 17 damn girl you changed him."

She says as Damian chuckled at me. I shrugged as we all finished eating breakfast. "Oh and when you too were gone I made the rooms soundproof." I say as I started laughing before I finished the sentence as everyone else laughed as well. "Man were crazy." Lynne says as everyone laughed. Damian kissed my cheek as I smiled. After breakfast me and Damian got ready to go. "Be back at 9 I gotta tell you something."

Lynne says as I chuckled and nodded. "Unless you to are gonna be busy." She says. Damian smirked a bit. I shrug as they laughed. I grabbed his hand and we teleported outside the door. He rolled his eyes as I smirked. I teleported inside behind Jason as he nearly screamed as I laughed. "Never do that when I'm holding this." He says motioning to the knife. "I'd stop it." I say as Bruce chuckled at me. "Plus it wouldn't be fun."

I say as Dick laughed at me. "Can't you walk like a normal person besides scaring me almost." Jason says. "No, No I can't." I say sassily as everyone laughed at me. "Besides it's much better to practice and when I scare you on purpose." I say with a snicker as Bruce and Alfred chuckled. I walked away and checked my phone. "Hey mom what's up?" I ask.

"Uh well how do I tell you gently." She says. "Let me guess, Your pregnant." I ask with a snicker. She nearly choked as I laughed. "Yes I know." I say with a smirk. "Your not mad?" She asks. "Not as much, Depends on when it happened and you not telling me things sooner."

I say as I remember a year ago. "I just found out nothing like last year." She says. "Mom, How long did you know all that stuff about dad and Keaton, Be honest." I say bracing myself. "The third day we were in Gotham." She says nervously. My eyes snapped but I calm myself down. "And why didn't you tell me sooner?"

I ask trying to stay calm. "Hun I didn't want to tell you yet because I knew How you would react, I wanted to keep you safe and not trying to kill anyone, I know you still miss them it's not hard to notice when I see you, Your not that happy as you were when they were still alive." She says on speaker. I try to calm myself down. "I'll call you later." I say hanging up.

I take a deep breath. I look at something to target. I target the cloud and I blast my powers at it in the center as it exploded. "What's wrong?" Damian asks walking up to me. "Nothings wrong." I say nervously as I mess with my locket. "You mess with your locket when your upset." He says making me look at him. I roll my eyes a bit annoyed. "You know me way to well." I say as he chuckled looking at me. I told him and he hugged me tightly. "faqat kuna hadiana." (Just stay calm.) He says in my ear. We break away from the hug after I calmed down. "You need to fix this hair." I say fixing his hair a bit as he rolled his eyes but chuckled looking at me.

Bruce's POV
I smiled as I spied on them. Least I know why there always so close, I know it's a bit weird for Kalila Damian just doesn't know. "Spying on them Bruce?" Alfred asks me. "They always been so close, They been together basically for 3 years." I say as we both looked at them. "With him being half demon Miss Kalila is basically like his other half."

Alfred says as I nodded understanding. "There completely different with something in common, Them being different then other people, I found out everything about Kalila." I say softly as I looked at her. "She suffered a lot being used like that by Bane, She even lost her twin brother by him trying to save her." Alfred says rather softly. "I observed her a bit and I can tell it's always on her mind cause from everything we know about him they looked exactly the same." I say as he nodded.

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