Chapter 18~A Day of Love

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Kalilas POV
My eyes opened to Damian planting kisses on my neck. "Finally up?" He asks smirking. I kissed him as he kissed me back deeply. We break away as he smiled at me. I kiss his nose as we got up. He went change and I appeared in new clothes and fixed my hair. My phone buzzed. My mother is not getting me to come home for that. "What's wrong?"

Damian asks from behind me as his arms were around my waist. "My mother." I say annoyed. Right he can sometimes sense my emotions.. "Hey, don't worry about it right now." He says moving my hair out my face. I kiss his cheek as we walk downstairs. "Morning." Jason says with a smirk. Damian rolled his eyes as everyone laughed. I sat next to Damian but my mother kept trying to talk to me.
Which they noticed.

My eyes were annoyed and I walked out after I finished. I text her back. "Mom, Just stop I'm still mad at you, If you want to know where I am I'm with Damian now just give me time to calm down."
I sigh and got out of it. "Hey Ly." I say annoyed. "There's no Dance today but are you ok?" She asks on speaker. "No, My mother lied about what happened with my fathers death and other things I can't say." I say softly.

"I'm sorry Lila." She says. "It's fine, I just don't know how to get over that." I say leaning on the tree. "Meet me at the lounge, I gotta show you something." She says hanging up. I roll my eyes and got up. I changed and started walking. I walked inside and Lynne waved me over and I walked up to her.

With Bruce and Damian spying.
"Why are we here?" I ask. "Because There is singing." She says looking at the person singing. "And my best friend needs to smile right now." Lynne says as I roll my eyes with a chuckle. "That is very impossible right now Ly." I say looking at the people singing. "Then why don't you sing hm?" She asks smiling. "No I am not going up there."

I say as she frowned as I smirked. "Come on Lila quit being so scared, It's just like dancing." She says. That made me look at the stage. "If it helps I'll sing with you." She says as I calmed down making her laugh. She literally dragged me on the stage despite me saying no as everyone clapped. "What you to singing today?" The Dj asks looking at me with a smirk. "Look What You Made Me Do." Lynne says as everyone clapped. At top.
They clapped as I got down quickly.

I held my chest as she laughed. "I am not doing that again." I say. "Why you have a great voice!" She says smiling. "To much." I say as she chuckled and nodded. I waved bye and teleported In the manor making everyone jump. I laughed as Bruce chuckled at me. "Nice to see you too."

Jason says sarcastically as everyone laughed. "Lil demons asleep up there if your wondering." Dick says. I smirked and got an idea. "You just gave her an idea nice going." Jason says as Bruce and Alfred chuckled at me. "That I do." I say as I walk upstairs. "He's gonna hurt you." Dick warns. "If he does he getting a smack from me." I say using my powers as I walked upstairs.

Bruce's POV
"Damn." Dick and Jason says as I chuckled at them.

Kalilas POV
I walked up to Damian and put a butterfly on his nose. He jumped up and tackled me. "Nice to see you too." I say as he rolled his eyes but chuckled and helped me up. "I thought you were Todd." He says hugging me tightly making me giggle. "Well I'm not Dami." I say kissing his cheek making him smile. "BYE LOVEBIRDS HAVE FUN!"

Jason shouts as Damian rolled his eyes. I make my powers hit Jason. "Ow!" He shouts as Damian smirked at me. I walked out. "Your welcome!" I shout as everyone but Jason laughed. They left and I went back to Damian as he pulled me closer. "And we will." He says smirking at me as I giggled. "Hold that thought." I whisper in his ear as I nibble it.

I went change in his bathroom and him out there. I walked out and he was on his phone. I walked over quietly and sat on his bed and he didn't notice yet. I start nibbling his ear as he noticed me quickly. "Something important?" I ask looking in his eyes. He looked at me. I had mostly a shirt on. "Not at all." He whispers as he smashes his lips on mine and I kissed him back.

He stared into my eyes with love before we continued kissing. It got more heated as he pulled me on his lap with my legs around him. He took his shirt off before he deepens the kiss aggressively and sweetly. He unbuttons my shirt as we kept kissing. He took it off slowly as he kisses my neck a few times. He turned me around and pinned me on his bed. There were no words to describe what happened. It was plain INSANE and AMAZING.

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