Chapter 25~Shes Alive

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Damian's POV
We all went looking for Kalila. Me and father were extremely worried about her. Todd and Jason looked on the other side of Gotham and we looked on the other side. "Has she said anything about that?" Father asks me. I shake my head no as he nodded and we kept looking. All those scars on her face... Bane did all that which made me want to DESTROY him. No one hurts my beloved and gets away with it.

I felt strange after we landed on a roof. My eyes widened a bit. What mother told me about Kalila being my soulmate.. I know where she is....... "You know where she is?" He asks noticing what happened. "I know exactly where she is." I say jumping down and I started running as he didn't follow me but smiled a bit.

Kalilas POV
I sat on the cliff looking at the stars. I threw another rock and it made a mini splash. I sensed Damian behind me. "How'd you find me?" I ask not looking at him. He sat next to me. "Soulmate thing, Are you ok?" He asks softly as he looked at me. "Why the hell would I be ok?

I relieved the most horrible memory in my life, I saw my brother hanging lifeless after he stopped Bane from hurting me." I say softly as more tears fall down my face. I hugged him very tightly as he hugged me back not feeling it as much. Tears kept falling down my face. "It's going to be ok." He says softly as he kept caressing my hair gently. I hugged him tighter as he kept trying to calm me down.

Damian's POV
Banes getting something towards his way for hurting Kalila. She keeps everything inside like me which is horrible on her. Her tears kept falling which just made me extremely worried about her. She held that in way to long. After a bit she started calming down a bit but she wasn't letting go as I smiled softly and kissed her head gently.

Kalilas POV
"Thanks, Damian." I say a bit calmer. "Always." He says softly as he kept hugging me. "Your mothers gonna be fine, I promise." He says kissing my forehead a few times to keep me calm. I snuggled in his chest as he put a arm around me. "Don't ask about those scars, I know you saw them." I say softly. "Wasn't going to." He says squeezing me a bit as I
smiled a tiny bit.
It's been a few days and I been quiet a bit cause of my mother still in a coma. They all knew about what happened that day and I wasn't gonna talk till it died down. I know Bruce just kept looking at me concerned like everyone else but I didn't pay them attention. I finished and walked outside quickly. I sat under the tree and put my headphones in. I closed my eyes and let the music drown away everything.

Damian's POV
We looked away from the backdoor. "There has to be something to help her." Grayson says as everyone nodded. "She has a lot of things on her mind her brother, Bane, That memory and especially her mother still in that coma." Todd says as everyone looked at her again. She had her headphones all the way up listening to Angel With a Shotgun again which is her favorite song for some reason. "Can't believe she even likes that music." Todd says a bit shocked. "It was her brothers favorite song." I say as they looked at her again.

Kalilas POV
My phone rang and my eyes widened so huge I took my headphones out. "Hello?" I ask. "Your mothers awake." The doctor says in a happy voice. I talked in Dutch cause I got excited. I ran out the backyard and made it to the hospital. My mother smiled at me. I attached her in a hug as she chuckled with a tear falling down as she hugged me back tighter.

I came see her everyday and I told her what had happened as well. I held onto her very tightly as she kept hugging me back just as much. "met mij gaat het goed." (I'm ok in Dutch.) My mother says softly as she hugged me tighter. "Ik ben gewoon blij dat je nog leeft." (I'm just happy you're alive.) I said as we let go of the hug. "Me too hun." She says as we hugged again tighter.

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