Chapter 9~Relaxing Day

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Kalilas POV
*Beep*Beep* I groan as I turn it off. Mom made me start taking dance classes in Gotham since I always danced in New Zealand. I changed and ran downstairs. "Come on Jeffry!" I say excitedly. "Bye hun have fun." Mom says as I got in the normal car as he drove away. I got out as Jeffry drove away.

I walked inside. "There's my new superstar dancer!" The teacher Miss Linda says hugging me as everyone clapped. "I'm Miss Linda and from your dance experience it says you've been dancing since you were 3 so here's the choreography."

She says handing it to me. "Lynne and Rosalie explain the moves to Kalila." She says with a smile as two girls walked up to me. "We are so excited to have someone as experienced in dance as us!" Lynne says hugging me tightly. "Me to, I was always the top dancer in my class in New Zealand, Since I was the only one who danced since I was 3." I say as they laughed. "Well now ya got us." Rosalie says as I laughed. They told me the moves and I got them all down.

Damian's POV
"Unhand me Grayson!" I shout angrily as he pushed me to the dance class. "Come on Hip hop isn't that bad, It's like a easier workout." He says reassuring. He noticed something and smirked. "Seems Kalilas mother had the same idea for her after that attack with Bane." He says making me look inside quickly. Me and Grayson walked inside.

Kalilas POV
"Alright Kalila your in the middle let's see how quickly you picked up the moves." Miss Linda says as I got in the middle. Pretend her hairs blonde☝️

Lynne and Rosalie hugged me as I laughed. "Well done Kalila." Miss Linda says impressed. "And on your first day, You really have been dancing since you were 3." Lynne says impressed. I shrug with a smirk.

Damian's POV
Wow... "Have fun." Grayson says with a smirk as he walked out. She makes friends very easily. I counted everyone and there were an even amount of everyone. But all I was looking at was Kalila.

Kalilas POV
I noticed Damian was here which made me smile. He was talking to Ms Linda and she nodded. I got my phone out my bag and checked my messages. "You keep surprising me Kalila." Damian says making me smile. I hugged him as he hugged me back as we let go. "So why are you here?" I ask. "Grayson dragged me here."

He says annoyed as I smirked. "Hey dancings not bad, You'll like it, And if you don't dance I'll make you." I say smiling sarcastically as he chuckled looking at me. "Alright, But I'm not talking to people besides my girlfriend." He says. "And Who is that if I may ask?" I ask smirking.

He chuckled and pulled me closer. "Who else have I talked to for 2 weeks?" He asks caressing my cheek. "Fair point." I say smiling as I kiss his cheek. "But try being nice to people." I say looking at him as he rolled his eyes. I give him that look. "Whatever." He mumbles in defeat. I nodded and walked back over to Lynne and Rosalie.

They smirked at me. "He your boyfriend?" Rosalie asks. I smiled. "Yeah." I say as they smirked at me. "Damian Wayne, You too are cute together." Lynne says making me blush slightly. "Your not like the rest?" I ask as they were gossiping about Damian. "Nah we have boyfriends who are also in this class, He's not our type."

Rosalie says as Lynne nodded. "I mean everyone knows about Damian Wayne, The boy who's a huge loner and doesn't really talk to people, But if he talked to you, Then he must see something in you." Lynne says smiling at me. They gave me there numbers as I went back over to Damian. "Why are you not over there?"

He asks looking at me. "I rather be right here, Besides you look miserable over here." I say as he side hugged me. "You make friends easily I'm different." He says. "Your not different to me." I say kissing his cheek as he smiled at me. It was over and me and Damian walked out holding hands. "Have you ever danced before?" I ask. "I use to but haven't had time to start again."

He says truthfully. "All you need is a refresher and you'll be dancing in a few days." I say confident as he chuckled. "Yeah, Right." He says sarcastically. I dropped my stuff off at my house and went back to the manor with Damian. "So How'd it go?" Dick asks Damian with a smirk. He rolled his eyes as they chuckled. "Hey Kalila."

Bruce says. "Hey." I say smiling. We went up to his room to talk and sat on his couch. "I hate them." He says annoyed. "Hey, Least you got to see me." I say as he rolled his eyes and put his arm around me. "Yeah." He says looking at me. My phone buzzed and I looked at it. Damian smirked as he read the text. "You can stay for the night." He says with a small chuckle. "Good, Cause I was not about to walk in there and hear them." I say as he snickered. He put a movie on as I snuggled in his chest as he put his arms around me.

Bruce's POV
"Demon spawn!" Jason whispers with a smirk. "She makes him smile though which is extremely rare for him." Dick whispers as they nodded. We walked away giving them privacy.

Kalilas POV
During the middle of the movie Damian looked at me. "What?" I ask looking at him. "Nothing, Your Just..... beautiful." He whispers making me melt almost. I kissed him as he kissed me back with love. We break away as his eyes sparkled into mine. He kissed my cheek as I leaned into him as he pulled me close.

Bruce's POV
I went check on them when I noticed they fell asleep. I smiled once I saw Damian's arms around her as she was in his chest. Alfred chuckled quietly. "I knew he liked her, He's just not use to feelings because of Talia." I whisper. "She made him not feel emotions which is why he's like that." Alfred whispered. "She made him so emotionless but he's completely different around Kalila." I whisper as he nodded. We noticed he hugged her tighter as she kept sleeping on his chest as we smiled at them. I took a picture as we walked away closing the door softly.

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