Chapter 16~Happy

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Damian's POV
My eyes opened and I looked on side of me. Wow... that wasn't a dream.......... Kalila was on side of me with her arms on my chest. Damn...... I move her hair out her face gently and smiled softly.

Kalilas POV
I felt lips on my neck and my eyes opened. "Morning." Damian says caressing my cheek. I smiled and kissed him softly as he kissed me back. We break away as he looked in my eyes as they sparkled. "You have clothes in the bottom drawer." He whispers kissing me softly before he went take a shower. I smiled. I left a few things here when I stayed over last summer and they still fit. I put them on and took my makeup off and fixed my hair. I made my clothes on his floor disappear before he got yelled at. I went on my phone and checked my messages.
L🤞😉😘Your mom called to ask if you were with me, I'm assuming your with Damian so I lied for you, Tell me the deets later bitch😘
Thanks girl.
I chuckled and turned my phone off. Damian walked out with a towel around him and his hair dripping. Damn.... "Like what you see?" He asks with a smirk. I roll my eyes playfully as he chuckled and walked back in to change. He walked out and pulled me closer. He kissed me softly and breaks away making me giggle. "What if they walk in here?" I ask. He smirked. "There on a mission, No ones here."

He says. He told me he was Robin and Bruce Batman last year. He turned around and I got on his back as he walked downstairs. He sat me on the stool. "So what do you want?" He asks. "It doesn't matter." I say as he nodded and turned around. I saw the marks on his back making me blush and I hide my face.

He smirked a bit but kept it to himself for now. He just made me a sandwich and he sat next to me. He smirked at me. "Shush." I say as he smirked and kissed my neck. We ate and he looked lost in thought. "You ok Dami?" I ask. "Do you... regret last night?" He asks. "Of course not, Why would I?" I ask wrapping my arms around his neck.

He smiled at me and touched my nose. "I know I haven't said this before, But I care a lot about you, No matter what you did in the past." I say. He kissed my nose. "And you mean a lot to me as well, Kalila." He says serious as he caresses my cheek. I smiled and kissed him as he kissed me back. My phone buzzed. "Dance today." I say smiling. He went change and I appeared in new clothes.

He smiled and put a arm around me as we walked out. Lynne smirked as me and Damian walked in. "Hey Kalila Damian been a while since you too been here something happen?" Ms Linda asks. "Yeah, It's better now." I say as Damian hugged me as everyone but Ashlynn and her friends awed as me and Damian chuckled. "Today's couples dances and the first two going are Damian and Kalila obviously." Lynne says as Damian kissed my cheek making me smile.

Ms Lynne handed us the paper and ones to everyone else as they were different. Ashlyn glared at me coldly as Damian grabbed my hand and made me look away from her as we went to a room. He smirked as he read over it. He showed me and I chuckled. He still had something on his mind. "Damian are you really ok you seem distracted."

I say softly. "I'm fine, It's something that my mother told me, About us strangely." He says. "What did she say?" I ask. He told me and I got why he was a bit weird. I hugged him. "Hey, That may be true but it didn't bring us together, We did, Everyone has soulmates, But this is just a bit different, Don't ever doubt what happens between us, Ok Dami?" I ask looking in his eyes.

He smiled and looked in my eyes. "I won't." He says kissing me softly and breaks away. Lynne and Rosalie smirked at me as they went back to talking to there boyfriends. We walked out once we got it down. "Alright, Damian and Kalila get in positions." Ms Linda says as we got ready. It's up☝️
Everyone cheered loudly as Damian hugged me making me laugh as I hugged him back.

Bruce's POV
"Damn Demon Spawn got some moves!" Jason says as we spied on them. "They did it last night, Don't ask how I can tell." Dick says as I chuckled at them. "He got some game!" Jason says with a huge smirk on his face as me and Dick laughed.

Kalilas POV
After it was over we walked out holding hands. He smirked at me. "No." I say with a chuckle. He made me get on his back as he kept walking. "Are you crazy put me down Dum Dum." I say with a giggle. "Not a chance." He says smirking he kept walking. He made it and he put me down. I smack him playfully as he chuckled. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I say kissing him softly as he kissed me back passionately. We break away. I walked inside and went inside. Mom smirked at me. "You were at Damian's weren't you?" She asks. I blush and look away. Mom hugged me tightly as Jeffry laughed. "Aww my Daughters all grown up." Mom says making me giggle. "Alright now I'm going to sleep." I say walking up to my room.

Damian's POV
I cleared the security footage of me and Kalila so they won't bug me. I walked inside. "Hey Damian where were you all day?" Father asks looking at me. "Kalila." Is all I say. "You 2 made up?" He asks. I nodded and walked upstairs.

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