Chapter 14~His Soft Side

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Damian's POV
"So Demon Spawn, What happened last night?" Todd asks with a smirk. I roll my eyes annoyed as Father chuckled at me. Kalila walked downstairs calling someone and went outside.

Kalilas POV
"Hey, Mom." I ask. "What hun I'm kinda busy." She says.
Bruce and Damian were spying.
"Never mind..... I'll tell you later." I say annoyed as I hung up. I looked at the flyer for a music school that I found in my mailbox. Juilliard, A school I always wanted to go to and my moms to busy to hear I got accepted early. My phone buzzed. "Hey Lynne." I say looking at the tree. "You sound upset what's wrong?"

She asks on speaker. "You remember that school I told you about?" I ask. "Juilliard right?" She asks. "Yeah, They accepted me, I get to go in a few years." I say. "Girl that's amazing! But why are you upset?" She asks. "I was gonna tell my mom today, But she's to busy... just like always." I say softly. "I'm so sorry Lila." She says. "Yeah." I say uneasy. "Well theres Dance today, That always cheers you up." She says. "It's the only normal thing I'm able to do." I mumble to myself. "I'll be there in a bit." I say hanging up. I wipe my tears away.

Bruce's POV
Poor Kalila.. Damian followed her as I smiled at him.

Kalilas POV
"Wait up." Damian says. "Your coming today?" I ask a bit shocked. He grabbed my hand. "Yeah." He says kissing my softly as I kiss him back. We break away as he smiled at me. We kept walking and we went inside. "Hey guys." Rosalie says with a smirk. "Shush." I say as our friends laughed. Me and Damian walked away to talk.

He kept trying to make me smile which was really sweet. I chuckled and kissed his cheek. "I know you spied on me Dum Dum." I say. "But it doesn't matter." I say hugging him as he smiled and hugged me back. "Alright now Kalila, Lynne and Rosalie you three are doing the first dance of the day." Ms Linda says making me smile as I walked over.

We went practice in a room but we couldn't stop laughing. "Girl that did not happen!" Lynne says looking at me. "It did 100 percent." I say as they both laughed. "Alright let's practice for the next festival." Rosalie says as we laughed and started practicing. "Alright girls let's see what you got." Ms Linda says as we all looked at each other.

"I bet they don't even have the dance down." Ashlynn the girl who punched me says as her friends laugh. "I bet you don't even have a boyfriend." Rosalie says with a smirk as everyone OOHED. I snicker as Damian smiled at me. We got in positions as the music started. It's up up up☝️☝️.
Everyone clapped as I smirked at Ashlynn's mad face and walked back over to Damian. He smirked at me and pulled me closer to make her mad.

She walked away angrily as I laughed. After the whole group dance me and Damian left. "Where are we going?" I ask Damian since he was walking away from the manor. "It's a surprise." He says putting his arm around me. "When did you get happier?" I ask with a giggle. "Since I've been with my girlfriend." He whispers in my ear making me blush. "Turn around."

He whispers as he turned me around and my eyes light up. We were at the place I wanted to go to the day I got attached. "You remembered?" I ask with a smile. He wraps his arms around me. "Of course." He says with his eyes sparkling. That look made me melt. "We been dating for a month, I know things." He says. He remembered that too my heart just exploded right now. He wraps his arms around me from behind as I leaned into him.

Damian's POV
Wow... I didn't even know I remembered that. Something was talking for me. But, I'm glad I did, Cause it made her happy and cheered up.

Kalilas POV
I turned around wrapping my arms around his neck. I smiled and touched his nose gently. "If you haven't noticed, You do have a soft side, You just rarely ever use it." I whisper as he smiled at me. "Don't tell anyone else about that, Eddison." He jokes with a smile. "I wouldn't tell anyone." I whisper as we kiss softly.

Bruce's POV
I went looking for Damian and Kalila from the tracker on him when I noticed the two.

I smiled at them

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I smiled at them. Least I know there not in trouble. Damian definitely found someone special. "Master Bruce did you find them?" Alfred asks. "Yeah, There in the Park." I say with a chuckle. "Demon Spawn getting it!" Jason shouted as I chuckled and went back to the manor.

Kalilas POV
We broke away after four minutes. He rested his forehead on mine as I smiled and touched his nose. "We should head back." He whispers. "Or we could stay here for a bit." I whisper looking in his eyes. He smiled and grabbed my hand as we sat under the tree. I leaned on his shoulder as he put a arm around me. I looked at him and he kissed my forehead making me smile as I kiss his cheek.

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