Chapter 3~Two People Different Pasts

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Kalilas POV
My eyes opened and I was in my bed? Must have woken up and got into bed after Damian somehow left. My phone buzzed.
Hey Eddison I left right after I woke up my father needed me at the manor, Your mother moved you.
~Well least I know I wasn't crazy so that's a good thing.
I put my phone down and got up. Today's Saturday so I have a day to myself. I changed and walked downstairs with my phone. "Morning Kalila." My mother says smiling at me. "Mom Damian's a friend." I say serious as Jeffry laughed. "He seems really nice and polite."

She says smiling. "Mom!" I say annoyed. "Alright I'll stop." She says as Jeffry chuckled. "So what were you going to say yesterday?" I ask. "Oh, Right! Well seems we're stuck in Gotham for a year at the max." My mother says with a smile. "What about Bane?" I ask. "He was caught." She says with a smile as my eyes lit up. "So you can go now." Mother says smiling as I nodded and walked out.

My dads killer was caught. I put my headphones in and walked down the street. "Hey Sweet thing." A older guy says trapping me on a wall. "Remember me?" He asks with a smirk. I square him in the jaw and he fell down coughing. I take a deep breath. I was terrified but I knew how to fight. "Oh so you wanna play like that huh?"

He asks putting a knife to my neck and I got flashbacks. I knee him in the crotch and he groans in pain and fell down as another guy pushed me to the wall. Something was thrown at the man trapping me as I fell on the ground from him holding my neck to tight. It was a man dressed as a bat and a boy who looks familiar.

My bracelet was glitching but I was focused on trying to breath. "Miss are you ok?" The bat said helping me up carefully. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say softly looking at the knife he put to my neck. My eyes watered. My bracelet glitched and I got frightened and ran away. (With them secretly spying.) "No no it can't be glitching." I say as powers shoot out my hands and I caught it quickly.

I keep changing into my shadow and reappearing. I take a deep breath and take it off and I tried to fix it. My eyes keep glowing white and I make them shut off. "This is exactly what I needed to happen today." I say sarcastically. I get my phone out and call my mother. "Mom the bracelet that hides my powers got broken... again."

I say softly waiting for her to yell. "Damnit! this is why your father needs to be alive he's the only one who can fix that bracelet." Mom says yelling. "How'd it get broken this time?" She asks. "I accidentally hit it on something when I was walking." I say lying. "No one can know you have those powers, You have to try and keep them hidden just go to Stephanie's or something cause I have a guest over." She whispers hanging up. I cringe. "I hate these powers!" I shout frustrated. "Keep your head down don't talk to people." I say sarcastically. "Well where has that gotten me right now mother?" I ask sarcastically.

Bruce's Pov
Me and Damian were shocked. "No wonder she said she's different then other people." He whispers as I looked at him. "You knew about this?" I ask sternly. "Not her powers just what I said." He whispers as I nodded. We spied on her for a bit longer.

Kalilas POV
"Alexandre Just had to kill my father." I mumble softly. I looked at the knife the man dropped. The flashback hit my brain and I looked away sadly. I put my headphones in playing my favorite song Angel with a shotgun and started walking. Police sirens and people screaming were heard. I smirked and slid down the railing and kept walking. I pull the ladder down and climbed into my window.
It was the next day and I was stuck in my room all day with the curtains open. I blared my song all day till I heard a knock on the window. I looked to see who it was and it was Damian. I waked over and opened it. "What are you doing here?" I ask confused. "I heard about what happened yesterday, I came to see if you were Alright." He asks looking away. "Still a bruise on my neck but that's it."

I say remembering my dad. "My father also wanted to know if you'd like to have dinner with us." He asks looking at me. "Uh well." I say as my eyes landed on the bracelet on my dresser. I heard my mother and her "date" downstairs. "Sure." I say trying not to cringe. "I'm assuming that's your mother downstairs?" He asks with a small smirk. "Rather not talk about it."

I say cringing as he chuckled a small bit. "Follow me." He says as we got down from my window and started walking. Me and Damian sorta became somewhat friends during that project but I know he's extremely rude and a brat at times but he has a soft side no one notices. We walked inside. "Hey Blondey!" Jason shouts.

I roll my eyes annoyed as Bruce chuckled. "Your mothers not joining us Miss Kalila?" Alfred asks. I cringe. "She's busy." I say holding my gag as everyone laughed. "Understood." Alfred says politely as Jason snickered. I sat next to Damian and they asked me a few questions and I answered as Damian was being a ass on his phone. "We heard the news yesterday you ok kid?"

Jason asks. "Fine." I say not getting into details. I stop my eyes from glowing as Bruce and Damian sorta looked at me. After Dinner Damian pulled me in his room. "What?" I ask. "Your obviously not fine with that bruise on your neck." He says. "And don't think I didn't see you looking at that bracelet that was on you dresser." He says more serious. "What's wrong?" He asks. "It's none of your business." I say looking away. "It's personal."

I mumble. I sigh. "If I tell you you can NOT tell anyone else." I say looking at him dead serious. He nodded as he looked at my eyes. "I have powers that aren't normal." I mumble looking away. "When I was 4 or maybe 5, I was used as a experiment." I say as his eyes widened as he looked at me. "It was one of my Fathers friends who decided to test what would happen if they put certain items in my system."

I say softly. "It was suppose to be a cure for rare diseases, But it didn't go so well and it gave me powers." I say as he was quiet and looked at me. "I can disappear into shadows and use or create anything with my mind." I say softly. "And that stupid bracelet calms them down cause there unstable."

I say as a tear fell off my face. "Go ahead, Call me a freak." I mumble looking away. "Your not a freak." Damian says as I looked at him shocked. "Try being raised to destroy people's lives." He says as I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I didn't.... always live here, My mother is an assassin, She trained me to kill anyone who got in my way, If anyone's a freak it's me."

He says. I smiled. "Did you.... enjoy killing people?" I ask as he looked at me. "Not.... always." He says truthfully. "Did you ever regret killing all those people?" I ask. "Most times." He says looking at me. I smiled. "Then your not a freak, At least that sounds better then people using you as experiments." I say with a sad chuckle. "Then that means we're both not like anyone else." I say with a small smile. "Guess it is." He says looking at me for a moment.

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