Chapter 26~Back in Gotham

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Kalilas POV
6 months have passed and me and Damian are both 17!... finally. But bad news was that I had to leave for Juilliard after my birthday so I haven't seen him in almost a year 6 months which is horrible. But I was coming back to surprise him! We talked everyday but it's not the same in person. Everyone at the manor knows about it besides Damian. How she looks now is at the top😇 "Come on girl let's go before Damian forgets you." Lynne says running in our apartment.

Her and Rosalie came with me to Juilliard which is always AWESOME! And during those 5 months I actually controlled my powers which was amazing by the way. "Hang on I need my phone." I say as she smirked. "With that same picture of you and Damian when you guys were 15." She says with a chuckle. "No I been changed it to us obviously." I say. "Aww Best!" She says hugging me as I laughed. "Alright now lets go!" She says as we got in the cab as the driver drove away.

Bruce's POV
"She just got in the cab." Jason whispered as I nodded. "Why was I woken up at 5 in the morning?" Damian asks annoyed as he walked downstairs. He grew up quickly. "It's a surprise." Dick says with a smirk. He looked at them suspicious but rolled his eyes. "The surprise is that I get to go back to sleep." He says as everyone laughed. Jason's phone buzzed. He nodded at me and Dick. "Hey let's go outside we need to talk about something." He says as we all walked outside.

Kalilas POV
They had him outside which made me smirk. I made sure he couldn't sense me. None of them remember what I look like because I keep my social media down. It's still my name I just made sure no one could find it. Lynne was dropped off at her moms house but I wanted to surprise Damian first. I didn't bring anything cause I got my powers. I got out quietly as Bruce and Dick smiled at me. Jason smirked at me as I made a few powers appear in my hand. I flick them towards Damian and he turned around. I chucked as he hugged me tightly in no time as I hugged him back just as much.

Bruce's POV
We smiled as they kissed and broke away. "Aw." Jason says with a smirk.

Kalilas POV
I laughed as they all gave me a hug tightly. We went inside. "Hey Miss Kalila." Alfred says hugging me. "Hey." I say with a smile as we let go of the hug. "So how was it getting back?" Dick asks. "Crazy because Lynne came to, She went see her mom." I say as they chuckled. "How's sorta college going?" Jason asks with a smirk.

I glare at him as Bruce and Damian chuckled at me. "Not fun most times but I'm dancing everyday so that's a good thing." I say smirking as they chuckle. Me and Damian walked away after the questions. "When were you gonna tell me you were gonna visit I almost jumped Jason." He says pulling me closer to him. "It was a surprise, Dami, And good to know you actually say there name this time."

I say fixing his hair a bit as he smiled at me. We went to his room as he closed the door. "So how's it going with your powers?" He asks. I smiled. "I learned to control them." I say making my powers turn into a ball as he looked shocked and impressed. "How?" He asks smiling. "Funny story actually, The Avengers Are in New York."

I say as he looked at me to keep going. I chuckled. "And somehow Black Widow sorta helped me control them." I say as he chuckled and pulled me closer. "Well, Glad to know my girlfriend mastered her powers." He whispers in my ear making me smile. We kissed deeply as he pulled me closer. He turned me making my back face the wall.

We break away slowly for a minute. "I really missed you." He whispers as his breath touched my lips. "I missed you everyday." I say as we kept kissing deeply. I took his shirt off as he picked me up as my legs wrap around him. He took my shirt off as he started kissing on my neck and went down and kissed both sides before he pinned me on his bed. He gave me a few hickeys before he went down to my chest. After a while everything was off us and he kissed me deeply as I kissed him back. It went inside and everything got more....more.

Damian's POV
I smiled softly as I looked at Kalila. We kissed softly and broke away. She snuggled in my chest as I wrap my arms around her. "I love you, Damian." She says softly. I smiled and caressed her cheek. "I love you to, Kalila." I say as we kissed passionately as we break away. "So how long are you staying?" I ask feeling on her bare stomach with a smirk. "5 months." She says kissing my neck as I smiled. "Yeah the schools out for early summer, And I'm spending all of it with you." She says as I moved her hair out her face. "Good." I say kissing in between her chest as she giggled.

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