Chapter 15~Missing Each Other

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Kalilas POV
It's been a year and me and Damian are both 16. But we had a huge fight and I haven't talked to him in a while which makes me crazy and sad and I don't know why. "Come on Hun you can't stay sad forever." Mom says softly. Moms phone rang. "Hello?" She asks. "Oh Mr Wayne." She says looking at me as I looked at her. "We don't have anything planned, Will be there at 6." She says hanging up. "Why the hell did you say that mom?" I ask frantically. "He invited us to a party not for Damian." She says as I calmed down.

Bruce's POV
"You invited them?" Dick asks. "Yep, Hopefully this works." I say as they nodded. Damian's been in his room after him and Kalila broke up. Hopefully they get back together he's been changing more.

Damian's POV
Damnit! Why the hell did I have to say those hurtful things to her!. I want her back but she won't answer my calls or texts.. "Hey Demon Spawn." Todd says walking in. "What Todd?" I ask annoyed. "Bruce's throwing a party get changed." He says before he walked out. I look at the picture of me and Kalila. I hope she's gonna be there..

Kalilas POV
I walked out and my mom and Jeffry smiled at me. Mom had tears In her eyes before she hugged me tightly. "You look so grown up." She says as she let go. "Thanks mom." I say softly.

"Alright let's go

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"Alright let's go." She says as we start walking out the house.

Damian's POV
I apparently had to stay with Todd and Grayson most of the night. That was until everyone's eyes went to the people walking in the door. Kalila...... Damn............

Jason's POV
Me and Dick smirked at each other. Damian was In hard thought staring at Kalila. She wasn't happy to be here because of Demon Spawn.

Kalilas POV
I hate being here. I went on my phone and walked away from my mother. I scan the room and I noticed it was rich people and snobs. I roll my eyes and sat in the back and went on my phone. "Kalila." I hear Damian say. I roll my eyes. "What?" I ask not caring or looking at him. "Eddison look at me." He says softly.

I sighed and looked at him. Damn he looks hot right now in that suit. Stop it Kalila. "We need to talk." He says looking in my eyes. I looked away and went back on my phone. "What's there to talk about?" I ask about to walk away when he grabbed my hand. "I'm serious." He says which made my heart beat fast. We walked outside. "Look, I'm sorry about the things I said, I was just very angry after that call from my mother, I never meant for that to happen." He says softly making me look at him. I was silent for a moment as I looked in his eyes. He was telling the truth. I couldn't take it anymore and I kissed him passionately as he instantly kisses me back.

We break away and I hugged him tightly as he hugged me back tighter

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We break away and I hugged him tightly as he hugged me back tighter.

Bruce's POV
We all smiled at them. "I'm not making fun of him for that this time." Jason says with a smirk as Dick smacked him. We walked back inside giving them privacy.

Kalilas POV
We held on much longer as we broke away. He put his forehead on mine as I smiled softly. "I missed you Eddison." He says softly as he held my waist tightly. "I missed you to Dum Dum." I say with a sad giggle as we kissed again deeply. We break away extremely slowly. He held me close as we looked at each other. He brought me up to his room secretly as he locked the door. He caresses my cheek and looks in my eyes to ask something.

I smiled and kissed him making him kiss me back deeply. We kissed hungrily and deeply as he pinned me against the wall. He took his shirt off and kissed me deeply as my hands went in his hair. He went down to my neck and went back up.

He unzipped my dress and picked me up making my legs wrap around him as he pinned me on his bed

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He unzipped my dress and picked me up making my legs wrap around him as he pinned me on his bed. He was so amazing and damn that 8 pack.... all I need to say, Is Damn...

 all I need to say, Is Damn

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