Chapter 7~Surprise

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Kalilas POV
I locked my door and I couldn't stop crying. I know those bats helped me but they know some of my darkest secrets and I wasn't gonna leave this room.
Bruce and Damian got there and were spying on Kalila.
"I'm not a weapon." I whisper to myself. "I know I'm
Not a weapon." I say trying to calm down. I couldn't calm myself down. I made the chest come towards me and I opened it. My eyes soften as I take the picture of me and my twin brother out. "I'm sorry I let you die, I couldn't get to you faster."

I say as more tears fall down my face. I put it down and got the picture out of my family. Me,Mother,Father,Keaton. We were all so happy and now everything's ruined. "Sorry Keaton." I say touching his picture. The last thing in here was irreplaceable. I took it out and it was me and Keaton's 10th birthday picture.

I smiled sadly. We were inseparable. "Least you weren't alive today, Or you would have seen me almost lose my mind." I say softly as I put the items back in the chest. "Some things are meant to stay hidden, Cause no one would look at me the same." I say quietly. I put it under the desk and cover it up.

Bruce's POV
We looked at her extremely concerned. "She hides very well between those Ice blue eyes." Jason says in the earpieces. "We're gonna do something to help her." I say as everyone besides Damian agreed. He still looked at her. "Go talk to her as yourself, Her mothers in the hospital." I whisper as he nodded. I went back to the manor and took his speaker off.

Kalilas POV
Someone knocked on the window and I turned around and it was Damian. I walked over and opened it. "What?" I ask softly with my eyes extremely red and puffy. "I heard what happened on the news." He says softly. I hugged him tightly as he hugged me back. He closed the door as he kept his arms around me.

He makes me look at him. "Are you alright?" He asks softly. "No." I say softly as a tear fell down my face. He brings us making us sit on the couch. "Tell me what's wrong." He asks looking at me softly for once. I told him everything that just happened besides the chip in my neck and bats and Red. "Hey, No ones going to look at you differently for what you just told me."

He says cautiously wiping a tear off my face. "There's other things that would, You would look at me differently like everyone else." I say softly. He grabbed my hand without thinking. "There is nothing that you could possibly say that would make me look at you any differently Eddison." He says serious. I told him everything which you'll know in later chapters as tears were falling down my face the whole time.

He was a tiny bit shocked but it changed as he grabbed my hand again. "I won't tell anyone about that, So no one else has to know." He says softly. I stood up and walked away. "How do you not look at me differently after what I told you?" I ask softly. He turns me so I'm looking at him. "Because, I told you everything about my past and you don't see me any differently,

We're both never going to be like anyone else." He says softly. "I'll never see you any differently, Kalila." He says looking in my eyes. I stared into his eyes as we kept getting closer. I touch his face gently with one hand. He looked at my lips before I kissed him softly as he kissed me back right after.

 He looked at my lips before I kissed him softly as he kissed me back right after

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He pulled my body closer as we didn't stop. We break away slowly looking in each other's eyes. He caresses my cheek with his thumb making me smile as I looked at him. His eyes sparkled in the light. "Guess I don't know everything." I whisper making him smile as he looked at me. "That makes too of us." He whispers moving my hair out my face.

Damian's POV
I never noticed how truly beautiful Kalila was till now. And I don't mean her looks. "Would you maybe want to go with me to the Fair Friday?" I ask. She smiled. "There's no reason why I shouldn't." She says as I smiled and kissed her again as she kissed me back.

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