First Day

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Fionnas P.O.V

"You can do this Fionna, your the best adventurer in Aaa!!" I told myself. this is my first time being around anyone except for Cake. Well there was that one time I sprained my ankle trying to strangle evil pixies...

"Hello there, I am Prince Gumball. What is your name?" asked a voice behind me. I quickly turned around and found my self face to face with a pink boy dressed regally.

"Ummm, I'm Fi-Fionna" I managed to stutter out.

"I can tell that you are new here Fionna, want me to to show you around?"

"Sure!" I exclaimed. Wow five minutes in school and I already made a new friend!

Before he showed me around, I just had to ask one thing...

"Why do you have that crown on your head?"

"Oh this?", he said pointing to his crown, " This is a crown that contains the gem I need to rule the Candy Kingdon"

"Whoah, that's radical!" I said.

"Yes, I'll tell you more about it later, but now let me show you around."

I followed him to the front of the classroom.

"Okay so this is Mrs. Princesses room. She teaches 3rd grade to kids our age. Oh and by the way I am 10, and you?"

"I'm 9" I answered

"Okay, good. We all have an assigned seat in here. You sit right here in between me and... Oh great, Marshall Lee" He said with a scowl.

"Who's Marshall Lee?" I asked

He simply pointed at a boy with messy black hair drawing something on the board.

"Hey, I'll be right back. I wanna see what he's doing" I told Prince Gumball.

"If you insist, bye."

I slowly walked up to this Marshall Lee kid. I tapped on his shoulders.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked.

Startled, he turned around and looked me in the eyes.

"Who are you?" he asked me.

"Oh, I'm Fionna and...." I ended my sentence once I saw what he wrote on the board.

"Misus Princess reely smells like dog buns" was written on the board!!

Marshall Lee started to laugh when he saw my expression.

"Hahaha!! Funny right?" he asked me

"Your going to get in trouble!"

"And?" he simply explained.

Well I have to admit it, it is pretty funny.

"Marshall Lee!! For the last time I do not smell like dog buns!!"

"I gotta go before Mrs. Princess flips her lid. Nice meeting you Fionna" he waved before going to time out.

"He's a pretty great trouble maker right? asked a voice next to me.

The boy talking to me looked a fire! I might get burned!

He saw the look on my face and said, "Don't worry only my hair is a flame, the rest of me is just orange." he explained.

"Oh, good!"

"So who are you?" he asked

"I'm Fionna" I told him.

"I'm Flame Prince, nice to meet you"

"Thanks. whatcha doing there?" I asked , pointing at his desk.

"I'm just doodling" he answered.

I looked at the paper in front of him and it took my breath away!

"That's a beautiful tree! you're so talented."

"Pshhh, yah talented. I can't even read a sentence without stuttering" he muttered.

"Hey, I'm not the best at reading either, we should learn together!" I said.

A smile took over his orange face

"Yah that'll be great!"

"Okay class, time to sit down!" exclaimed the teacher.

I went to my seat in between Prince Gumball and Marshall Lee. Flame Prince sat right in front of us.

Mrs. Princess gave us a worksheet and said to get into small groups.

"Hey guys, let's be a group!" I said to my 3 new friends.

They all looked hestatent, but warmed up to the idea.

We surprisingly worked great together!

Prince Gumball, Marshall Lee, Flame Prince, and I became great friends after that day.

This is beginning to feel like the beginning of an awesome friendship!

~~~ hey guys it's Jaycee (my name for wattpad) and I promise you, this book will get a whole lot more interesting, just gave some faith in a girl!! thank you guys😘😘😘

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