Old Friends

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Gumball's P.O.V

"So, what do you need to talk about?" I asked Marshall Lee. I have to admit, I am a tad bit surprised that he wants to talk to me in private. Must be something dearly important.

"Um, nothing. I just wanted to see what's up, you know?" he replied.

I gave him a weird look. Something is going on.

"So you and Dr. Princess? Nice!", he told me.

I couldn't help but blush.

"We have mutual feelings for each other."

"You've known her for a day! How could you already love her?" he asked me.

"I don't love her!", I quickly replied. My cheeks were turning dangerously hot," and I've known her for quite a while, being scientists and all."

Dr. Princess and I have always been competing against each other in science fairs. Sometimes I win, sometimes she wins. I used to despise her, but quite recently, my feelings have changed for her. I've grown quite find of her personality, and I'll admit it, her looks.

"Hey, Bubba, are you there?", Marshall interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh, yes! I'm sorry." I apologized.

"It's okay. You must really like her, huh?"

I gave him my confused look. How did he know?

"If you're wondering why I know, you were smiling the entire time you were zoned out, dude".

"Oh", why can't I stop blushing? "Lets not forget why you are here, Marshall Lee." I said, hopefully changing the subject.

"Oh yah", he blushed.

HE BLUSHED? I thought nothing would ever make Marshall Lee Abadeer, THE VAMPIRE KING, blush!

"Woah! Marshall Lee! What happened?" I asked in awe.

"Look, Gumball. Please don't laugh and PLEASE don't tell anyone what I'm going to say, not even to Flame." he begged.

"I won't tell a soul", I promised him.

"Okay, I might or may not have told Fionna my deepest secret." he explained.

"The one you haven't even told me?" I asked, clearly surprised.

"Yah, I know. It's pretty crazy right? But that's not real reason I'm freaking out".

"Go on..." I urged him.


"Oh. I, erm. I don't know how to respond to that, actually." I replied, quite perplexed. Marshall liking Fionna?

"What do I do?" he groaned.

"Since when have you had these feelings for Fionna?

"I don't even know anymore! But I do know that I'm not gonna tell her." he said.

"Well, how do you know that she does not like you too?", I asked him.

"That would be nice." he said with a smile on his face.

I chuckled a bit. How cute!

"I mean, that would be... a coincidence!" he quickly remarked.

"It's okay, Marshall I won't tell anyone", I promised. This is just so amusing. I never thought Marshall was capable of liking someone, even if he is the biggest flirt around women.

"Thanks for hearing me out, Bubba. I really needed someone to tell this, or else I would've gone even crazier!"

"Anytime Marshall. Could you also do me a favor?" I asked Marshall.

"Yah", he replied.

"Just don't tell anyone about Dr. Princess and I. I don't know if she likes me just as much as I like her, and I don't want to mess up the relationship we already have. Okay?"I asked.

"Of course, Gumball! Since we're both telling each other secrets and all" he said.

"Thanks, Marshall" I replied.

"Anytime for an old buddy. Hey, I gotta get home now, since the sun is finally setting. But before I go, do you want to hang out with the crew this Friday?" He asked.

"Today is Wednesday, December 2nd, and Friday is the 4th... I'll have to pass, I have to go out of the Kingdom for a meeting." I replied. Dr. Princess is going to be there. I wouldn't want to miss it...

"Okay then, bye!" Marshall said, then left.

I know Dr. Princess likes me back, but I don't know about Fionna liking Marshall.

Yet, I can somehow see it working out!

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