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^^if you like k-pop, today's your lucky day ^o^

Flame's P.O.V

~yesterday, before heading to Fionna's house~

"Okay Flame, so what are you feeling right now? Are you sure you want To do this?"I asked myself.

Wow, I must look crazy talking to myself. But this has bothering me for a couple of days...

I strictly remember telling myself that I didn't have any feelings for Fionna. But here I am now, freaking out because I want to confess my feelings for her.

Why did she have to be so cute?? The way her eyes light up when she sees me, or how embarrassed she is when she cries on my shoulder. I can't help it!

I know she might have some feelings for me. She has to right? She's got to be over that Marshall Lee, and it's not like he's coming back anytime soon. Perfect!

Since it's her birthday today, I'll go see her of course. Then if I work up the courage, I'll explain how I feel.

I heard a door open.

"Flame?" I heard a voice say.

"Yes mother?" I responded. I wonder what she wants now.

"If you're not working on your little doodles right now, I need you to come talk to me."

Hmmmmpph. Little doodles? It's like she wants to make me mad!

I walked out of my room and walked to where her voice was coming from, the kitchen.

"Now that we're both together, I need to explain something to you", she said.

"Okay, go ahead", I replied.

"You're 16 already, and you still don't have a special lady!" She practically yelled.

Ughhh, here she goes again. She needs to mind her own business.

"I'm not just trying to tease you Flame, this is important. It's embarrassing having a son that doesn't have a fiancé yet. All the other kingdoms look down on that little fact!"

I had to roll my eyes. Who cares?

"I need the heir to my throne to have a at least a girlfriend. So get one."

"Why if I don't want to?" I replied.

"This is not up for questioning!!", She yelled, "the Fire Kingdom will not be looked down upon. Now obey my wishes, Flame", she commanded.

I jumped out of my seat.

"Bye mother. I have to go now", I said as I walked out.

"Why do you do this to me? I'm your mother! I love you, even if you don't believe me" she yelled.

"No, you love what I can do for you. You could care less about me", I spat.

That seemed to quiet her.

I wasn't going to take this any longer. I go through this every time I see her, it's extremely annoying.

Might as well go to Fionna's house now before I start yelling at my own mother.

I put in my earbuds and turned on an "iPod" I found. I turned the music on as loud it took to drown out my thoughts. A band called Fall Out Boy played, it's pretty nice.

I hope Fionna likes the music on here, this is her birthday gift of course.

Pretty soon I got to her house and had to take the rock music out of my ears. I practically skipped to her front door and then knocked, I love spending time here.

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