Aaa High School

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Fionna's P.O.V

"I BET I CAN LIFT MORE THAN YOU!" Flame challenged Marshall.

"What did you say? I thought you said you could lift more than me" replied Marshall.

"Dang sure I did! Step aside." He pushed Marshall out the way and lifted a heavy log.

"Haha! You must be kidding." He looked around and found a huge boulder.

"Watch this", he proceeded by lifting it up.

"No way man, you cheated!"

"Did not!"

I got tired of hearing this.

"GUYS!! Can't we go one day without you two trying to test your macho abilities while walking to school!!"I yelled at them.

"Sorry Fionna, geesh!" they replied in unison.

"Let them be Fionna, if they want to wear their back and knees out and get arthritis, then let them", said Gumball.

"You're just jealous cause I can get the ladies", taunted Marshall.

"And your just jealous because I can actually pass my exams!", replied Gumball.

" Oh snap!! Burn!!" yelled Flame.

And with they remark, we all burst into laughter, except for Flame.

"Hey! Whats so funny?" he asked, obviously oblivious to the irony in his remark.

"Dude!!", I yelled in between giggles, pointing to his hair.

"Oh! Haha!"

"Hey guys, look! We're here!" I said, pointing to a big building in front of us.

"Aaa High School" we read out loud.


Looking around, I realized we were the only ones outside.

"Oh my Glob guys! We're gonna be late on the first day!"

We immediately ran inside the school's doors and ran to our assigned home room.

I went into my home room in the nick of time, right before the final bell rang. I sat down in my assigned seat, not even looking to see who I was sitting next to.

"OMG are you Fionna, the last human in Aaa?!?" I heard a loud, valley girl accent say next to me.

~~~ if you really don't know who's next to Fionna, I'll give you one final hint. "You can't handle all of these lumps!"~~~

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