New Friends

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Fionna's P.O.V

Right next to me was a person, but she was completely purple! Her hair was a dark purple while her skin was a soft lilac. She was also floating instead of sitting in her chair, like Marshall Lee does. She did, however, have a large star on her forehead. She looked like she could be a human, but her colors and floating abilities took it away.

"Well, don't just stare at me! Are you?" she repeated.

"Oh, sorry! Yes I am the only human in Aaa, Fionna." I answered.

"That's flipping awesome! I'm Lumpy Space Princess, but you can call me LSP if you want", she told me

"Okay, settle down!!", shouted our new teacher.

"My name is Miss. Ice Queen, but you can call Miss IQ, and I will be your homeroom teacher for the year. I will also be your English teacher." she explained, " I will be expecting you all to behave and to turn in your assignments, or else you will have consequences, like detention."

Everyone in class groaned. Ughhhhh! We got stuck with the strict teacher all year.

"Now, now, class settle down!!" she yelled.

We could see little snow flakes coming out of her fingertips, do we all calmed down before she lost her temper.

"I know that right now you children are going through changes right now. Heck, I even spent a few years chasing after princes, trying to get then to marry me at your age!", she explained, with a smile on her face, "but I assure you, love can wait."

Uh, here's another Cake! Was is it with adults thinking we are going to fall in love so young? Well at least I know that I'm not going to.

Miss. IQ went the entire half hour explaining to us that school should be our top priority, that we should get good grades, blah, blah, blah. Until finally the bell rang.

"Bye Fionna, see you later", said LSP to me

"Bye LSP" I replied.

It suddenly felt like 3rd grade again, with me making new friends and all. It felt nice.

As I was walking to my next class, a girl with light blonde hair and a red dress bumped into me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you", I quickly apologized.

"You should!", this girl scoffed, "next time watch were you're going, human".

I had a feeling to either beat the snot outa her, or use language Cake frowns upon. She didn't give me time to decide because she already walked away.

Another girl saw what just happened and walked up to me.

"She's such a snob right?", she asked me, "I'm Emerald Princess by the way, Emy, for short."

She had light green skin and wavy brown hair, and was wearing a tee shirt and skinny jeans.

"I guess so. Who is she?" I asked.

"She's Breakfast Princess, the queen bee of the school. Also the snob of the school." she answered.

Haha I like this girl already! She keeps it real!

"I have to go to biology right now", I told her.

"Really? Me too! Lets go!", she exclaimed, grabbing my arm and pulling me to class.

While the teacher was talking, I started to think. I've never really had friends that were girls, and now I have 2! Holy Glob, I hope this isn't going to be difficult.

~~~ hey fellow readers!! Thanks for more than 100 reads already:) Let's bring it up! (pweady please)

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