My Day

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Fionna's P.O.V

Awe man!!

Geez, I was really hoping that that it was all a dream. But nope, I woke up again with the same empty feeling as yesterday. Well at least it's not as bad. Time heals wounds you know, but they always leave a stupid scar.

I lazily got out of my bed, hoping not to wake up Cake. I had secret stuff to so today.

I went to the bathroom and got ready for the day ahead of me. I put my bunny we hat on, but it didn't give me the same comfort as before. Eh, I guess I'm just finally growing up. I walked down to the kitchen and ate a banana and left a note to Cake saying that I'm going to be out for the day.

I quietly left the kitchen and opened the front door. I ran quickly through the forest, making sure no one sees me. Today is going to be MY day.

I was just running when suddenly....


Holy shmow! I fell down soooo flipping hard! Almost face down!

I got up and swiped the dirt from my knees. Awe man, there're scraped. I watched as the blood trickled down my knee. Ha! This is nothing compared to any pain I've encountered before, physical and emotional...

No time to think about that right now, I have something important to do now. I continued to walk through he huge green forest, watching my steps now. I looked around, loving the beauty around me.

It was so peaceful out here, like you could never get hurt here. Like no one could touch you, or more importantly, break your heart. I should come here more often.


Ah, just the sound I was waiting for. I followed the noise, getting more exited with each step.

I saw steam coming from the top of the trees and then knew that I was here.

"Mystery train!!" I yelled, running excitedly at the huge train.

This train was my escape from the world. It had my favorite things in it, like evil monsters to fight and new weapons!

I jumped onto the train without a second thought. I quickly spotted a huge warlock in front of me. I smirked.

Just what I needed.

I beat the nuggets out of him and took his sword and jewels. It's not like he needs them. Laughing, I jumped into the next box car.

I then saw that stupid frog witch that tried to make me spend the rest of my life fighting of a meteor. Haha! Payback time, since the coward ran off after I solved the little world-destruction problem... Anyways, I'll beat him up too!

After I was finished with him, I took his magical cloak. He only uses it for evil anyways... I wiped the sweat of my forehead and moved on.

As much as I repressed the thought, I knew I was only doing this because of that stupid Abadeer. Why can't I just not have feeling! If I was happy, it was because I him. Now if I'm sad, because of him! Holy Glob! A part of me wants to go back to the days when we were still happy and "lovey dovey" as Flame stated before. Yet, another part of me likes he person I'm starting to become. It's the thought of becoming a cold, independent, loveless person that's really appealing to me. I don't know why, it just does. Imagine, no more heartbreak and depression! Okay, depression is too much for this silly love thing, but still...

AGGHHHHHH! Stop Fionna! I swear, you're going to be a bummer if you keep thinking like this! You're the bravest warrior in Aaa! That's your title, you must keep it.

Let's go!

I literally spent the rest of the morning and afternoon fighting. I didn't even stop to eat or tend to my wounds, I likes the way it felt. To be strong. Most importantly independent!

I'm going to hate the day I tell Cake that I'll be moving out as soon as I graduate. Aaa has nothing for me, I have to explore the rest of Aaa!

But, that's for the future, right now, it's my day.

I eventually got super tired so I took a break and leaped out of the train. I took a seat by a huge tree and took out all the loot I collected. I searched and just took out all the food, the treasures meant nothing to me.

I was eating a sandwich I found in this troll's lunchbox when I heard a noise. Like a rustle in the leaves. Then I heard a chuckle....

It sounded a little like....

"Marshall Lee! What could you possibly want from me, you freak?!" I yelled. I'm getting really tired of this!

"Woah, Fionna! Take it easy, it's just me", a guy with a huge fire on his head said, coming out of the forest.

"Oh, I'm sorry", I said bash fully. I was about to plunge at him after all...

"Where the flip have you been?!", he asked, his mood instantaneously changing.

"Didn't you guys get the note?", I asked.

"Yes, but you didn't say where! We have spent the whole day looking for you. Geesh, please be a little less selfish", he said.

"Selfish?", I asked, "I just wanted one measly little day to myself! Is that too much to ask?" I yelled.

"You had almost all of Aaa looking for you, and you're acting like it's no big deal", he said.

"I can take care of myself. I prefer to be alone. It's not that I'm selfish, you meanie", I replied, not wanting to make him any madder.

His expression softened.

"Okay, fine. Let's just go home now", he said, holding out his hand.

"Im not holding your hand, and I'm diffidently not going back there!" I yelled. It's my day glob dang it!

"You're really going to do this?", he asked with a sly look on his face.

"Umm, yah!", I replied, a little confused. What was he planning?

"So then I'll have to do this", he said while picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder.

"Let me go!", why do boys always want to carry me? I'm not even that light!

"Sorry, Cake's order!", he laughed.

I'll get Cake for this.

"You're a mean turd", I barked.

"Yes, but I'm your mean turd", he replied.

Oh brother, how corny! I could smell the cliche in the air! I swear, this guy would be a lady killer if he tried (partial sarcasm)

Might as well enjoy this free ride before getting yelled at by Cake.

We spent the entire way to the tree house talking about my birthday. Like always, I said I wanted nothing.

Way to start out my 15th birthday! I hope it doesn't get any worse. And by that, I mean no funny bussiness!

Yet, knowing my luck, something will happen. Oh well, things happen for a reason right?

~~~question time!

Any otakus out there? Like, I'm trying really hard not to become one. Again. I can't help that I secretly fangirl over Sebastian like Grell. I just can't. The feels.

Bye betches! (Alex Ramos quote)~~~

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