About That Cake...

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^^^so if you speak Spanish, then you'll get why I chose this song for the book, if not, just ask me^^^

Fionna's P.O.V

Wednesday went past in a blur! Apart from Marshall flirting with me more than usual, it was a pretty typical day.

Well, apart from me fretting about how I'm going to tell Cake about Marshall. I'm going to have to tell her today, even if she is dead terrified of him. Yes, Marshall and I are not a thing right now, but I think that tomorrow, we will. Why else would he be acting the way he is around me?

Also, Breakfast Princess is acting a little more secretive now. I liked her better when she was eery! Like just today, I asked her what she was planning on doing tomorrow at the party and she FLIPPED OUT. She was asking me why I wanted to know, and what I knew. I don't know what's happening to her, maybe she's planning on getting back together with Ricardio. I'll just leave her alone for now.

Right now, it's the end of school on Thursday, and I'm walking Flame, Gumball, and Marshall. Too bad we can't hang out today, the guys are preparing Flame's place for the party.

I'll admit it, I'm crazy excited about it! For reasons that I'm too proud to admit... But I'm still excited!!

The guys dropped me off at my house then headed to Flame Prince's place.

I've been dreading this moment all day.

"Hey honey, how you doing?", Cake asked me.

"I'm great! Hehe", I nervously laughed.

She obviously saw the awkwardness in me and gave me her "I know something's up" look. Crap.

"Anything you need to tell me, sugar? You know I'll find out eventually, so spill the beans", she almost commanded.

Don't panic, Fionna, don't panic!

"I need to go.... to the bathroom! Yes! The bathroom. I need to go... tinkle?", she raised her eyebrow, "I'll be right back."

I halfway sprinted up to the bathroom. I locked myself in the bathroom and turned on the light. I looked in the mirror and saw how ridiculously panicked I looked! I took a couple of deep breaths and cleared my thoughts.

How hard could it be to tell me mother-figure that I'll be going to a dance with the person she's terrified of? No wait, will go out with the guy who gives her nightmares!

Very hard, that's how.

"Fionna, I don't have all day!" I heard Cake shout downstairs.

Game time.

I went back down and plopped down on the couch next to her.

"Sooo.... you know that Marshall Lee kid, right?" I started out.

"The Vampire King that gives me goosebumps? What about him Fionna?" she answered.

"Well, he kinda invited me to this party he's throwing", I hinted.

"And? You always go to his parties."

"This time is a little different" I told her.

"How?" she asked.

Eh, just let it out already Fionna.

"I'm going to be Marshall Lee's date! And we might go out!", I semi yelled.

I did not expect her reaction.

"That's great! I kinda expected that to happen, but I thought it would be when you were older."

"What?!? You knew we would like each other?" I asked.

"In a way. I just saw the way you two acted around each other, and then I knew. Opposites attract you know", she winked.

She and Lord Mono were pretty different, but it worked perfectly. I've never really thought of it that way.

"So you're not mad about this?", I asked.

"Of course not! You are free to make your own decisions like this. Just promise me something sugar", she asked.

"Of course", I answered.

"If anything happens between you too, ANYTHING, tell me. Boys are the most complicated of all creatures, next to woman. But that doesn't leave a reason for them to hurt you"

"Okay, I promise", I told her.

"One more thing, not everything lasts forever. Don't let your heart get broken this young! Losing is a way of life, but you should never let it get to you. Promise me", she pleaded me.

"Alright! I promise! Geesh Cake, Marshall isn't like that", I explained

"I know, I fret to much. Better safe than sorry."

"Thank you, Cake. I love you, you know?"

"Me too! Now get ready, I'm going to measure you. You need to look pretty for tomorrow", she winked.

I blushed. I've never wanted to dress up, ever! Especially not to empress a boy.

After Cake got my measurements she told me to go upstairs. The dress is support to be a surprise. I hope she doesn't make it too girly! I know I changed a little, but I'm still Fionna.

I wonder if Marshall Lee is nervous about tomorrow as much as I am...

~~~ Yah, it's short but I'll be updating sooner now I hope! Anyways, I really want to get to know you guys, so I want you guys to answer these questions I'll have in every updates.

1st- what are your guys' favorite songs? Put as many as you want down!


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