Is it Time?

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Marshall's P.O.V

That little.... AGGHH. I don't have words to describe her right now! I don't think I've ever been this mad before in my life. How dare she kiss me like that? I'm a king! The Vampire King! I'm going to go to sleep, hopefully it'll lessen my rage right now.

As a laid down, I began to look for my hambo. I don't care how old I am, I will always love that piece of rag.

Wait, where is it??

I began to panic. It's always on my bed, hidden in my blankets. I began to turn my room upside down, looking for my precious teddy bear. I can't find it!

Okay Marshall, maybe you just misplaced it. Yah, just go to sleep. When you wake up, you'll find it.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

I still can't flipping find it! I've spent most of the morning looking for my hambo, to no result. I don't have any more time for this, I'm running late for school.

The entire walk to Fionna's house consisted of me wondering were the glob hambo was. Today is not going to be a good day.

"What's wrong Marshall Lee?" asked Gumball when he saw me at Fionna's house.

"I, uh... didn't get any sleep last night", I shrugged. It wasn't a total lie.

"Yah, cause you look exhausted bro." Flame said.

"Ready to go guys?", Fionna said while heading out her door.

"Yah, let's go already", I responded.

"Are you two still up for today?", Fionna asked Flame and I.

I completely forgot about it! But I do guess hanging out with Fionna will make my day better...

"You know what? I'll have to pass, I have an art project I need to work on...." Flame said, winking at me.

What a great wingman.

"Okay so it's just you and me again, Marshall", Fionna said, blushing a little.

Wait does she...?

"Well, come in slow poke! Don't make us late!" cried Fionna, I didn't notice I had stopped walking.

"Oh yah, sorry", I said with a smile.

Today isn't that bad now, I guess.

That thought completely changed once I saw that rotten girl. Why did she have to make things so difficult? Things were fine just the way they were, just friends.

She came up to me and Fionna.

"Hey Marshall! I'm sorry for what I did yesterday. I just don't know what came over me! I couldn't help but give you a thank you kiss. You e just been so kind to me", she said. I hinted a little acid in her voice. Did she want to make me mad?

I heard Fionna gasp behind me.

"I gotta go", she said. Was she blinking away tears as she walked away.

"Wait!" I yelled after her. It was to late.

"Why did you do that!" I yelled at Breakfast Princess.

"Do what? I was just apoligizing", she said innocently.

"Just go away."

I swear I heard her laugh as she left. There are words for girls like her.

Fionna didn't talk to me for the rest of the day. I felt so angry! First, my hambo just magically disappears, then that witch has the nerve to just be evil, now Fionna isn't talking to me!

As the last bell of the day rung, I made sure to catch up to Fionna.

"You still up for today, Fionna?", I asked.

"Of course", she said sadly.

"Well, come on!" I yelled. I grabbed her by the waist and flew her up with me.

"Let me down!" she yelled, giggling.

"Okay, just stop being sad", I said, putting her down.

"Fine, lets just go."

As soon as we got to my place, she started to yell at me.

"Why did you kiss Breakfast Princess?? Are you guys going out?? How didn't I know about this??" she demanded.

"Woah! I didn't kiss her! She kissed me on the cheek! And I would NEVER go out with her, she's not my type. Trust me."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know..." she explained.

She's acting different. Almost...

"Are you jealous?", I asked her.

"What?", she blushed,"no, why would I be jealous?!"

"Nothing, I'm just wondering..." I smiled. She was soo jealous.

"Anyways, let's look at these books you found", she said, quickly changing the subject.

"Oh yah! Here's one you might like", I said, pulling out a book titled Twilight, "it's about a girl falling in love with a vampire."

"Oh, thats.... Nice",she said bash fully. Perfect.

"It's a good book, but at the same time funny."

"Why?" she asked.

"Well first, in this book, vampires sparkle on the sun, not burn. Second, a human falls in love with a vampire, I mean, come on!" I told her. Ive been waiting to tell her this. I want to hear her reaction.

"It could happen you know. Love can happen anywhere at anytime. With anyone", she told me, looking at the ground.

She was sitting on the couch, so I went to go sit close next to her. Real close.

"Wanna read it together?", I asked her.

"Yah", she replied.

"Look at this part, it's my favorite. 'and so the lion fell in love with the lamb' Edward said. 'What a stupid lamb' I said. 'What a sick, masochistic lion.'"

"Wow, that's beautiful!", Fionna said.

"I know. It's speaks to me in a way." I said looking in her eyes.

"Me too", she relplied, looking into my eyes.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"I have something to tell you, and this time, no one is going to interrupt us like last time", I told her.

She looked at me with wide eyes.

Here I go...

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