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Fionna's P.O.V

"I told myself I would never trust love again" those words rang in my head. I can't believe that Miss. IQ, the Ice Queen, had taken care of Marshall Lee for so long. He was almost like her son in a way.

I also can't believe that Marshall Lee had such a bad view on life! I can't blame him though. He's never had a good motherly figure, and the one he did have doesn't even remember him!

I looked into his eyes and saw all the pain gathering in his dark onyx orbs.

Oh no, Fionna, don't you cry! Don't cry! Oh crap.

"Fionna, it's okay! Don't cry, what's in the past stays in the past. I can live with it!" Marshall begged me.

"I'm sorry! It's just that... it's so sad! I mean, I've seen that you and your mother didn't really see eye to eye on everything, but I never knew...", I blubbered, " and I just thought that you were just naturally... bad. But now I know... I'm sorry."

"Fionna, for the last time, it's fine!"

I couldn't stop crying and my mind was racing! Is that why he tried to strangle Flame when he was making fun of his Hambo? And...

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around me.

"I won't let go until you stop blubbering about this, so stop!!" Marshall loudly whispered in my ear.

I tried to stop crying for a minute, then I eventually stopped. His hug was really comforting...

"Now that you're done, I need you to promise me something." he asked, with a little blushing in his cheeks.

"Of course" I replied.

"Never speak of this. I don't want anyone to know. Okay?"

"I promise", I said, with my hand on my heart.

He blushed a little more. I hope he doesn't regret telling me!

"Umm, I gotta go and... wash my face. I'll see you later Fionna." then he got up and left in a hurry.

I wonder what took over him.

~~~ Ayy Jaycee here, and if you guys could please comment if you want more "romance" in the story, that would really help me out. Thanks!!~~~

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