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Fionna's P.O.V~

I REALLY hope that I'm not blushing right now! Why do I feel like this every time I'm around this dude? Glob, I feel like I have Cake's face on when she's around Lord. Mochro...


I didn't didn't have time to think because then Marshall put his arm around me. Please don't turn red, PLEASE!!

"You know Fionna, I've been wanting to tell you something for while, I've just been trying to wait for the right time to tell you..."

What do I do?? What if he says he likes me?? I can't tell him I like him!!


My face was turning a dangerous shade of red...

Come on Fionna, your the toughest person in Aaa, you can handle this. I was getting closer to his face to hear him ask the question when...

"What's up!! Guys?"a confused Flame asked.

At that moment I realized that Marshall and I were close. REALLY close. Way to kill the moment, Flame. I was so close to...

"Oh nothing, I just saw a spider on her shoulder," Marshall told him, " and I was about to ask her if she wanted to go to that party that you're throwing at you're place"

I swear I could've seen Marshall wink at Flame and then Flame nod slowly.

"Oh, yah that party, haha I guess I forgot to tell you Fionna", Flame said, slightly annoyed.

They were hiding something

Since when are guys so flipping confusing?! I actually thought Marshall was going to tell me he liked me. He had to right?

Reason 1-he saved me from a perv

Reason 2-he's always so giddy around me and blushes a lot

Reason 3-he told me his deepest secret

But then again, I might just be imagining stuff again.

"Hey, can I pick out an album?" Flame asked.

"Help yourself" mumbled Marshall Lee. He seemed disappointed.

Flame chose the album Torches by this band called Foster the People. Does he intentionally make these puns? the song Helena Beat came on, completely changing the mood.

"So who should I invite to this party, Marshall?" asked Flame.

"I don't know, the people that you know from school I guess", Marshall replied.

"Thanks! Because you're the one that's going to be helping me with all the planning!", Flame said happily.


"So I heard that there's this rumor going around that you and that Breakfast Princess are a 'thing'" Flame asked Marshall.

I had this huge lump get stuck in my throat. I also burning sensation in my chest, like there was a torch in there. Oh yah, this is what jealousy feels like.

"No! Of course not!" Marshall yelled.

"Well, good luck Monday, cause all the girls with be drooling over you once they find you're still single" Flame added.

I felt like I would explode if I heard one more thing about that terrible Breakfast Princess. I've never wanted to punch anyone so badly.

And to make it even better, I don't know what the guys are hiding from me and what Marshall really wanted to tell me. I really need to go strangle some evil pixies before I say something I might regret.

"Hey guys, I gotta go and meet up with Cake, it's important" I lied.

"Oh, okay. See you later Fionna." Marshall said sadly.

I went outside the door and closed iy, but I didn't leave. I wanted to see what they would talk about once they thought I left.

"You're welcome by the way, Marshall." Flame said.

"I'm sorry, bro! I just, panicked okay?"

"Why though?"

I didn't hear anything for a while. They must have been whispering.

"Oh, I see now", said Flame

"Yah, so if you could keep it a secret, I'd appreciate it."

"Of course, bro. I just didn't expect it! I can't believe you like her!"

"Shhhhhhh!!" Marshall shushed.

"It's not like she's here"

"You never know"

Who the lump were they talking about? It might be me, he did sing to me after all... But let's be real here.Who does Marshall like? If it's that Breakfast chick, I'll...

Nope Fionna, only happy thoughts. Breath in. Breath out. Stay calm and relaxed.

Ahh, I feel better. Now that that's done, it's time to go fight stuff with my lucky grass blade.

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