Three Words

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^^^Ill try to add a new anime when I can. This one is so freaking good!!^^^

Fionna's P.O.V

"It's all about you..."

Those words kept ringing in my head. The sweetness from this vampire just couldn't escape my mind. I felt like I could just touch the clouds, pure love running through my veins.

I went to go looking for him, I really wanted to thank him! On my way to the backstage, I saw Breakfast Princess waiting by he bathrooms. Was Ricardio there? She smiled sweetly as I walked past her. I somehow saw acid in her eyes... I should just keep walking.

After searching to no avail, I gave up and went to go join Flame Prince. He has been by himself most of the party, he wasn't he social type.

"Hey Flame, have you seen Marshall?", I asks him.

"Not recently. I'm sure he'll come out soon. You wanna sit down?", he asked, patting the seat next to him.

"Flame?", I casually asked. I really wanted to know something...

"Yes?" , He responded.

"Well, I was wondering why you don't, yah know, have a lady friend", I winked.

"Oh!", he blushed, "well, I don't know. I guess I haven't found her yet. I'm not really looking for someone right now."

"Come on! Flame, you are so nice! Any girl would be lucky to have you. You just have to out yourself out there."

He remained quiet for a while, lost in thought. I wonder if he's ever thought of anything but his art before. It must get pretty lonesome drawing and working by yourself all the time.

"Hey look Fionna! I see Marshall Lee" he exclaimed, pointing behind me.

I saw Marshall Lee's dashing smile in the crowd of people. Was he going to ask me out now? Ugh no time to worry about that right now. He looks so loving coming towards me, I think my heart might jump out of my chest!

I ran up to him, grabbing his arm excitingly.

"Marshall! That was so sweet of you to perform for me! I'm ready for you to ask me that special question..." I hinted. I looked deep into his eyes and expected to see the beautiful green irises. I saw a dark red, with black around the crimson.

"What are you talking about?", he scoffed, "I already have a special girl", he said, nodding at the girl around his other arm.

Breakfast Princess.

I felt my knees buckle. I tried my best not to fall to the ground. In denial, I managed to mutter out questions.

"Marshall Lee! How... Why... How could you do this to me?" I said, struggling with the lump in my throat.

"Do what? Wait, did you think...? Haha, she thought I liked her!", he laughed.

"But you told me things...I told you things... I thought you..." I stumbled.

"That I loved you? Silly girl, can't you see? I love this lady right here", he said, squeezing Breakfast Princess's arm.

She had a sinister smile on her face.

Flame must've heard the commotion, because he was at my side. I looked around and saw a crowd around me. I've never felt so humiliated.

"Thank you Marshy, I love you too", she said.

Then he kissed her.

At that moment, I gathered all he emotion I ahead left, and did the only logical thing to do at a moment like this.

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