First Kiss

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Fionna's P.O.V

Whatever. Haha who needs him? I mean, yes, he was there for me at my darkest times, and he was super nice to me. But this just crossed the line! It's not like i even care.

Who am I kidding? I care a lot! He literally was the thing keeping me from falling to pieces when I was depressed.i should've know that he was catching feelings for me, it's not every day a guy would go out on a limb for a girl like he did and spend so much time and emotions with her without catching any kind of feeling.

But I don't have the guts to go and apologize for flipping out. anyways, I don't think I should apoligize first, I didn't anything wrong! Although i do see where he's coming from. I asume he was jealous and that's why he flipped out. That's kinda what happened when i became a green monster at the party when Marshall Lee was under whatever voodoo Breakfast Princess put him under.

It's too late now, he just left and I have an important visitor coming over. Just remember to not freak out in front of Marshall Lee or else he'll suspect something. He'll will be here in a couple of minutes since I invited him over, and thank glob Flame didn't take that long to argue with.

I soon heard the knock on the door I've been waiting for and ran downstairs to open the door.

"Marshall! You're on time for once!" I exclaimed.

"So what happend?" he asked 5 seconds after seeing me.

Dang it, he saw through me!

"N-nothing! Im fine!" Ilied

"I saw a very err, angrier than usual Flame walking into the city. And your face is all flushed so just spill the beans."

"We just got got into a fight. thats all." I replied.

Crap, does my face always have to be this red? UGH, just keep it together for now.Cool, cool. I'm not crying, keep it up! even though your dying on the inside, keep smiling

"Everything will be fine okay? Don't let him get in between what we have", Marshall told me while doing his famous wrap-arms-around-me thing.

Aaand thats when the waterworks started flowing. Dang it! Iwas so freaking close!

"If you want, I can go talk to him, set things straight and all" he asked, still holding on the me.

I just shook my head into his chest

"No, he'll just get even more pissed" I muttered into his chest.

"Fine, I'll just get Gumwad to talk to him for me" he replied.

"Uggghhhh why do you care so much!" I cried

"Because a) Flame is one of my best friends and b) because I hate seing you like this. I cant wait for the day when you are legit happy." he replied

"This is going to sound really cheesey but as long as I have you, I'll always be happy!"

He seemed to be caught off guard.

"Ditto!" he said

"Wow, you're so lame!" I yelled

"I can be romantic too!" he said

"You couldn't be romantic even if your life depended on it, you idiot" I said

"Haha really?" he said really sly-ly

My heart stopped

"Marshall what are you do-"

Ah, the ever so cliche shutting the girl up with a kiss move. My eyes widened as his lips touched mine, but then closed as soon as i realized what was happening and that i was enjoying it. His lips felt so soft against mine, and the kiss was sweet and simple. It's a first kiss any girl would be proud of.

The moment felt better than any of my wildest (day) dreams. Yes, I have dreamed of kissing Marshall, but there's not a snowballs chance in the Fire Kingdom that I would admit it!

I wrapped my arms around him and I swear I felt him chuckle. I knew i had given in, and I am pretty sure he knew too!

But like every good thing, the kiss had to end. I unwrapped myself form him and just did the first thing my mind thought of.

I flopped on the couch and covered my face. I was in between two emotions, pure bliss and utter embarassment.

"So, am I not 'romantic' now??" he asked

"Uh, I've run out of witty comebacks..." I replied, mildly dazed.

Why did he do that? Why did I let it happen? should I kick his arse now or later? STOP OVERTHINKING!

"HA! I have made the 2nd sassiest and toughest being in Aaa speechless. No, better yet, EMBARASSED!"

"Wait, did you just kiss me to prove a point?!" I demanded

"No! I just saw it as the perfect oppourtunity to do the thing I always wanted to" he winked.

My heart fluttered as i realized what he meant; He wanted to kiss me too. My cheeks got really hot, I really need to control this blushing!

"You know you love me!" he teased as he flopped on the couch next to me.

"2nd sassiest, who's the first?" I asked, wantng to change the subject completely.

Before he could answer...

"Fionna, are you here?" I heard Cake yell through the front door

Marshall just pointed in her direction with an evil smirk

I had to muffle the laughter because Cake would wonder why we were laughing so much. she would not appreciate her obvious status in Aaa. I threw my hand and put it over Marshall's mouth and then put my other hand over my mouth.

"Did you guys have fun?" Cake asked, a little bit puzzled as to why our faces were red and we kept giggling.

"Yeah, just great!" I replied

"Well say good bye to your friend because we have to go kick a dragons but thats disturbing a village" she almost ordered

"Good bye Fi" Marshall said before I even got a chance to look over.

He does this to annoy me, I swear to Glob.

"Hey! Ugh, bye marshall" I mummbled.

Cake seemed to look satisfied after he left the tree house

"What?!" she asked

Unm, maybe becuase you chased of my kind of boyfriend. nothing new

I was giving her the stink eye

"Nothing . Come on, I'm in the mood to kick arse today, so lets go already!" I yelled while tugging her elbow.

I'm finally becoming me again, and forgot about the whole Flame thing for a while.
But i cant ignore it forever. Flame likes me, or liked me, and i really hurt him. I could tell. I need to make thing up before I crap things up again!

~~~Sorry for updating so late. I just didn't get a lot of... love on my last update. I hope you guys like this one :/A plus tard👋~~~

p.s~ go check out my ereri fanfic!! I'm really enjoying it and SNK/AOT is just awesome in general

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