Old and Forming Realtionships

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Marshall Lee's P.O.V

Why is it that Cake looks so happy whenever I leave? I chuckled to myself, I knew the answer. I'm Fionna's first boyfriend, it's only natural for her to hate my guts. But she'll lighten up soon, I'm kinda in love with her sister, so I'll do anything I can.

I stopped for a moment. I've never felt this way before, much less had these thoughts! I just continued to walk into the city where most of my classmates live, letting my mind wander.

My mind was spinning for a moment before I heard a familier voice nearby, no, two voices. I didn't really know who they belonged to, but that didn't stop me from not following the voices trail. I walked down the cold streets to find that the two voices were sitting on a bench, the female voice comforting the male.

Flame and Emy.

Was Flame... Crying? I knew he was a sensitive guy, but crying? Over who? Oh, probably Fionna. Geesh, I feel bad. But I didn't think about that much, I was just wondering why Emy was with Flame. Hmmmm...

I hid behind a tree and decided to listen to their coversation. Like I said before, I'm not a stalker,

"You have to understand that it wasn't Marshall's fault. he was a little poisoned', Emy told Flame.

"It's not just the stupid party! I thought i had somthing with her, you know? I thought I wasn't going to catch feeling, but here I am now" He sniffled with a fake laugh.

"AWWWWW!" Emy yelled as she shot up.

"What are you doi-" Flame started before Emy cupped her hands around Flame's cheeks,

"You are just so adorable! Talking like that, it's sweet. Boy, I'm glad I found you moping around or else I wouldn't have known how cute you are!", she almost squealed.

"I wasn't moping..." Flame mumbled, considering his cheeks were pressed together.

"Come on let's go! I know this place that sells the BEST ice cream" she commaned, almost tugging at Flame to follow her.

He gave in and followed her to the inner city, obviously to go to a weird ice cram shop.

I ship it.

"Yo Marshall, what are you doing?"

If I had a soul, I would've lost it with that scare.

"Holy crap Fionna! Do you always have to scare me like that?", I asked the happy little adventurer.

I would ask how she found me, but I already know there's no one that could ever hide from her.

"I took a shortcut on the way back. Now answer my question!", she yelled.

"Just umm, looking at this bark?" I asked more than answered.

She looked like she was about to stare the answer out of me, so I did the only thing logical I could think of.


She looked back at me breathless, even though it had been barely more than a peck. It seemed to be the only thing that could surprise her.

"Haha, let's go, Blushy", I said as a wrapped my arm around her and started to walk in the diresction of her house.

She didn't come out with a witty comeback, but just let me guide her. I loved it when she finally let her guard down, that's when I know when she's being the real her, and then I can tell if she loves me or not.

She does.

I sealed my confermation with a kiss to her forehead/ bunny hat.

I love my little bunny.

~~~Hey guys, short update, I know. I'll try to update faster, promise. Question of the update is... Favorite app? Jaycee out!~~~

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