Not Again

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Marshall Lee's P.O.V

"Simone?" I whispered.

I suddenly had a fit of rage.

No matter how hard I freakin try, she always ends up in my way! If it's not bad enough that she doesn't remember me, she always ends up around me. I know that it's the stupid crown that made her forget me, I just can't help but feel... torn. Whenever she says my name, she doesn't say it with love like she used to.

"Um, Marshall? You planning on breaking the desk?" Fionna suddenly asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I realized that I was gripping the desk really hard.

"Oh sorry", I told her, letting go of the desk.

"Ahem", Simone, I mean, Ice Queen grunted, "Are you done speaking Mr.Abadeer?"

There she goes with that old tone again.

"Yes. Im sorry" I told her.

I heard half of the room, including Fionna, gasp. What? I can be a gentleman sometimes. Glob.

Fionna went an entire 5 minutes staring at me.

"What?" I asked her.

"I'm just trying to make sure if this is the real Marshall Lee."

"I'm sure I know who I am Fionna" I assured her.

"We're going to talk when we get home." she ordered me.

"But, what!? Why?"

She didn't respond. There's no point arguing with her so I just went with it.

I hope she doesn't ask about Simone, it'll be too hard talking about her after all these years.

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