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Marshall Lee's P.O.V

What Flame told me can't be true. Why would I do that? I'm pretty sure I can control myself, and even more sure that I know my feeling towards Fionna.

I know that if I go anywhere near Fionna's house, Flame will start something. I guess I'll just go to Emy's house and ask her what happened. She lives in the downtown city part of Aaa along with many of the other people that go to our school.

Crap! It so cold, my breath is a grey fog in front of my face. This fog kinda reminds me of the haze in my head last night. It seemed unreal, like I was dreaming, and then I eventually did fall asleep because I can't remember anything.

On my way there, I tried to remember what happened. All I remember before blacking out is drinking that stuff Breakfast Princess gave us, performing, having a major headache, and them looking for Fionna. I clearly remember waking up, with Flame threatening me and telling me what I supposedly did.

Before long, I arrived at her house. I knocked on her door, hoping she doesn't try to rip my throat out. I know how emotional she gets.

She soon opened the door and I wasn't expecting her reaction.

"MARSHALL LEE!! I was about to go looking for you myself you little turd!! Don't worry, I know you didn't really mean to do all the stuff you did last night. It was Breakfast Princess I heard her, it was all her!", she practically yelled at me before I shushed her.

"What? Do you know what really happend?", I asked excitedly.

"Well, in the beginning I thought you were an dou.... Nevermind, but when I heard what was happening between you and Fionna a the party, I thought that it was a little suspicious. Your eyes were a dark crimson, not a blue-green like before.

"I decided to spy on you and Breakfast Princess. After you guys got done humiliating Fionna, you went to sit down. Breakfast Princess left you at the table and went to the bathroom. She got on the phone and talked to this Sky Witch person, thanking her for love potion, that it spent matter if she lost Hambo to another witch."

If I have ever been mad before, I am about 300x more right now. She ruined my chances with Fionna and took my Hambo! My most prized possession!

"Whoah Marshall Lee, calm down! Its not that bad. I'm sure that if we go tell Fionna, she'll forgive you. Then you can go and confront Breakfast Princess together", she explained.

"You don't understand", I muttered, "she hates me now, and so does Flame Prince. He won't let me get anywhere near her!"

"Oh, well that makes things difficult... Wait! I can go tell her!", She decided.

"I don't think that'll work. She won't believe you. I got to do this by myself."

"You know what? It's her birthday this Monday! I'll invite her over, and then you can come and explain! Boom, problem solved again by Emy!"

"Thank you so much Emy. I think I'll get going, it's pretty cold", I told her.

"Kk, bye Marshall!" she yelled.

That girl sure Ha some energy to spare.

Wenk Wenk

What? I looked around to find out where that noise was coming from.

Went Wenk

I looked down and saw a penguin. Gunther!

"Hey little guy what are you doing here?", I asked him. M

He tugged on my jeans.

Wenk Wenk!!

I guess he wanted me to follow him. I followed him through to downtown area and then saw that he was going towards the Ice Kingdom.

"Gunther, I can't go over there. Simone might get mad again", I told the penguin.


I guess that's penguin for "I don't give a crap." I might as well keep following him.

He lead me into the Ice Castle and we climbed the stairs. I heard a soft sobbing coming from a room. It sounded like....

"Simone? Gunther, why is Simone crying?", I asked.

"Wenk", he said while he lifted Ha flipper to point at me.

"Me? What he flip did I do??" I asked.

He didn't answer me. Instead, he pushed me into a room. A room that happened to have Simone in it.

"Who's there? I said to please leave me alone Gunther", I heard her say.

"It's me, Marshall Lee. Your student?", I told her.

"Marshy?", she said. She didn't use that cold voice this time. She used her real, loving voice.

"Uh, yah?", I said, confused. Does she remember me now?

"Oh Marshy! I'm so sorry!", she yelled, coming over to me. She wrapped me in a warm embrace, one I haven't felt in years. I couldn't help but hug her back. I could feel the years running down my cheeks. I don't care about being tough anymore, right now was the happiest moment of my life.

"D-do you remember me now?", I asked.

"Yes! I'm so sorry Marshy! Look, I got this back for you!", she said, holding something out.


"Thank you, Simone?", I replied.

"Yes?", she asked.

"Why do you, umm, remember me now?", I asked.

"I was hanging out with Sky Witch yesterday, when I was still Ice Queen", she said with a grimace, " We where talking about magic and all when she talked about getting something very powerful. I of course asked her about it, so she brought it out. She took out a teddy bear with blue button eyes and pink fur. It clicked in my head that it was Hambo.

"After that epiphany, everything else started falling into place. Burt, the Mushroom War, you, everything! I snatched it away from her and ran off. I had so many emotions, mostly about me ruining you. I'm so sorry!" she pleaded.

"It's okay Simone, really", I told her. There were no words for how happy I am at this moment. At least something good came from Breakfast Princess trying to ruin me!

"I wish I could do something to help you. That Sky Witch told me about Breakfast Princess and the love potion, I can only imagine how sad you and Fionna are", she said.

I was about to say that okay again when an idea hit me.

"You know what, there is something you can do to help me with that", I said slyly.

There's now a chance I can get my little bunny now, and there's no way in glob I'm going to let her go again.

~~~ This weeks question...

What's your favorite anime? I'm in love with Black Butler at the moment, thinking about starting Death Note. This account is shared, so you should prob check out his book too! Jaycee out!~~~

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