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Fionna's P.O.V

I woke up with the most excitement I didn't even know was possible! I was wide awake before my alarm clock even went off, so when it did I, I jumped out of bed.

I took a quick shower then brushed my long blonde hair. I put on my usual light blue shirt and dark blue skirt, then put on my black flats. Last, I pulled my long hair into my bunny hat. I've been through this ritual so many mornings, but today it felt different.

I ran downstairs to find Cake hard at work on my dress.

"Fionna! Cover your eyes, it's suppose to be a surprise for tonight", she insisted.

I covered my eyes before she could yell anymore.

"Thanks Cake. You shouldn't have stayed up making this for me, you know", I told her.

"Baby, you have a date tonight. I want you to look stunning!"

"Cake, I want someone that'll like me for me. And it's Marshall Lee, I don't think he's like that..." I hinted. I know for a fact that he likes me for what's inside

"Okay, but it doesn't hurt to look hot either", Cake replied.

I laughed at that for a second before stepping outside. I was WAY to nervous to eat breakfast.

I saw Marshall, Gumball and Flame outside my door. I'll have to admit, they looked more excited than me!

"You guys pumped for tonight?", Flame asked us on the way to school.

"Yes. But some more than others...", Gumball answered. He seemed to smirk at Marshall Lee. What did Gumball know?

Oh Glob, he probably knows about Marshall and I! Well, he and Marshall are best friends after all....

I went into homeroom and saw LSP waiting for me inpatiently. She's either anxious about Brad or the party. Eh, probably both.

"Oh my Glob Fionna, finally!!", she yelled when she saw me.

"What happend?", I asked half heartily.

"Ummmmm.... Nothing but the flipping party!!", she answered.

She rambled the entire half hour about what she was going to wear, how she was going to talk to Brad, etc.

I was pretty relieved when it was over and I saw a hyper Emy at my locker.

"Hey Fionna! I know you've probably heard this a million times but I'm so excited for the party!! We should totally dance together and get snacks! And then we should look at cute boys and dance with then too!!" she said excitingly. This girls energy is contagious.

"Wait, you already have a cute guy to dance with! Haha, I almost forgot about you and Marshall Lee!" she exclaimed.


"Oh, hehe. I'm so silly, I forgot to tell you! Everyone at Aaa High knows that you and Marshall Lee are an item. I mean, it's pretty obvious considering the way you guys hang out and all!"

"Oh," I replied nervously,"we aren't official, but close."

We made our way to 1st period and then took our seats. Ricardio looked at me, but not with his usual egotistical glare. Psheeewww! Thank glob he's over me!

Okay, now for English with Marshall. No I did not just blush at the thought of him. It's just... hot in this school.

He seemed pretty happy the entire class period, if only he told me he was! He was so quiet, he barely talked to me. He only looked at me bash fully then looked away. He eventually told me he was so quiet because he didn't want to tell me about my song tonight.

Awww, the Vampire King all pressured for mortal like me!

The rest of the classes went fast and smoothily. Gumball and I talked during last period because Marshall was pretty quiet. Gumball said it was just because he was nervous for tonight.

Boy, was he right! After school was over until next week (we don't have school next week, it's an Aaa holiday) and we all met up, Marshall was as quiet as a mouse! Every time I would try to talk to him, he would just blush and answer swiftly. I wonder what he has under his sleeve for tonight...

I pondered that question all the way to my house. The guys and I exchanged our goodbyes and then I headed inside. What I saw waiting for me took my breath away.

"Cake! I, wow. I don't have words for this..." I said.

In front of me laid the most beautiful article of clothing I have ever seen!

"You like it?", Cake asked me.

"Is that even a question? It's so pretty!" I answered.

It really is! It has a sea blue corset that reaches to my hips, and a turquoise bottom that flowed like the ocean. Ironic, considering I'm deathly afraid of the ocean.... It's still beautiful though!

It is now 4:00, which means I have 3 hours until Marshall picks me up. I guess that's enough time right?


It took an hour and a half for Cake to curl all of my hair and then put it up in a fancy pony tail. No bunny hat tonight! Then it took her 30 minutes for her to do my makeup (after I insisted to not look like a clown). Then it took forever (20 minutes) to put my dress on! I almost couldn't breath because she pulled it too tight, but she eventually loosed it up.

When she made me stand up for her to see me, she almost started to cry.

"Please Cake, don't cry!" I insisted. I can't bare to see the little cat cry.

"I'm sorry baby, I just can't help it! You look so beautiful right now, and you'll be 15 this Monday... You're just growing up to fast", she almost sobbed.

I gave her a tight hug, trying not to cry myself! We spent the remaining minutes teaching me how to dance and how to act at the party. Thank Glob she taught me, because I swear I have 2 left feet.

We were talking and laughing until I heard the doorbell ring. Oh no, I lost track of time!

"Have fun Fionna!", Cake yelled after me as I grabbed my purse and stood at the door. I took a deep breath before I placed my hand on the door handle.

I opened the door, and saw a dashing Marshall waiting for me outside.

It's now or never.

~~~today's questions is.....

-have you guys ever instantly turned socially and mentally awkward when you see you're crush? Example(true story😓) I was walking in the halls with my friends and we were talking about hair. I meant to say bobby pins, but as soon as I saw him, I said booty pins.

Booty pins.

That is all~~~

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