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Marshall's P.O.V

It's almost too funny how easy I can make Fionna blush! I laughed for a couple of seconds before sitting down with my back against her front door. Then I began to think.

What am I going to do with this girl? Sure, I had to like her a lot for me to be going through this much to get her attention, but much to my luck, she liked me back! But now, I dont know what to do. I've known her for years, but only recently have I looked at her as something other as Fionna, the tough, sporty friend.

Now I look at her as Fionna, the great, beautiful girl I should've noticed earlier. I can't imagine how much my mom is going to flip out when she finds out I'll soon be dating a mortal!

I should get going home. I'll have to use all my energy trying to contain myself from going off on Miss. Goody Two Shoes tomorrow at her guitar lessons.

What's the deal with her anyway? She wouldn't accept me returning the money she paid me for giving her lessons. It's like she enjoys the lessons. No, it's like she enjoys me. She's up to something, I just don't know what.

Speaking of mysterious, where in the Glob is my Hambo!! I looked everywhere for my precious bear, bit still nothing. He didn't just get up and walk away, and I love that thing enough to never misplace it. It meant to much to me.

I must just be paranoid, but I'm getting really desperate. I need to find him.

He's the only thing I have left of Simone.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~


I clumsily looked for the alarm clock on my night desk. I haven't exactly been getting the best sleep since I lost hambo.

There's no time to worry about that now, I have to get ready for another bittersweet day.

I mindlessly put my red and a grey flannel over my head and then pulled on my jeans and red sneakers. I don't wear this everyday, but it defines my style, so who cares?

Holy Glob! I'm late! Nope, no time to look in the mirror, I gotta go now.

As I got to Fionna's house, I saw the guys there. They seemed to be happy to see me at first, but then they just gave me a weird look.

"Yah feeling okay, dude?", asked Flame.

"Yah, what's the deal?", I asked nervously. Did I not brush my fangs or something?

Gumball handed me a his calculator and told me to look at the reflection in the glare.

It took me a while to to notice what was happening, but then it hit me.

"Why are my eyes turning green??" I yelled.

As I observed myself, I noticed my once black orbs were collecting little green flecks. What the heck?

"Do you think your...?",asked Flame. I knew what he meant.

"No, I am not turning human again. At least I hope so", I replied.

"This is interesting. Do you mind coming over so I can look you over?" asked Gumball.

"Sorry, I have to give Miss. Popular lessons today. You know what? I'll cut it short today."replied, it's not like I want to see her anyways.

"Okay, I'll see you at my lab tonight then", Gumball replied.

"Why do you need to go to his lab, Marshall?"

I jumped when I heard her. I didn't know she was even behind me!

I just pointed to my eyes, "this."

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