Oh Glob Help

632 18 3

Marshall Lee's P.O.V

Did I really just do that?

I thought I told myself to never tell anyone about Simone! Come on Marshall, what took over you? You just told you're deepest secrets to a girl! She is you're best girl friend though.

Best friend?... Girl?...

I shook my head. Ha, what am I thinking? I could never think of her like that. She's a total tomboy! I bet all of her thoughts are about justice and fighting crime and stuff. She'd never think of me in that way!

Not that I want her to treat me in that way.

Even if she is the person I trust the most in the world, and the only person I feel the most comfortable being myself around.

That hug I gave her was pretty comfortable, come to think of it...


I think I'm going to have to do something I haven't done in a while. It's worth it if it can get these thoughts out of my head.

~30 minutes later~

I knocked on the door.

"Hey Marshall, what brings you here?"

"I just need a buddy to talk to. You up for it?" I asked him.

"Of course! You are person I've known the longest. Come in!"

"Thanks, Bubba. I appreciate it."

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