Thats It...

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Fionna's P.O.V

Ugh, I wish I could fall asleep already!I just couldn't keep my mind from racing!

How could I have thought that Marshall was just naturally... bad, a loner? I also couldn't stop thinking about the relationship he and Miss. IQ used to have, and how much it would hurt to lose it.

One thought that caught me by surprise is that why would Marshall tell me? Okay, I kinda, sorta forced it out of him, but if it was anyone else trying to find out, he would have to be exposed to the sun before he talked! But he just flat out told me.

Come to think of it, he also hugged me. I remember one time in the 7th grade, a fangirl of his tried to hug him. Long story, but he got detention. Why would he hug me? It wasn't even a prank or something because I was crying, and he was trying to comfort me...


"Holy Glob!", I yelled.

I overslept! Why couldn't I just have a normal day for once?

I got dressed and brushed my long, blonde hair. I ran down the stairs and grabbed a banana. I didn't even taste it! I then brushed a my teeth and got my backpack.

"Come on Fionna!! We'll be late!", I heard Flame yell.

"Coming!", I answered as I opened the door.

As I stepped outside, Flame, Gumball, and Marshall gave me a weird look. I decided to ignore it.

Flame and Marshall had their usual macho contest while Gumball and I talked about a thief in the Candy kingdom.

"Okay Fionna, I can't hold this back anymore, so I'll just tell you", Marshall told me.

"Um, sure Marshall what is it?", I blushed.

"You forgot you're hat", he said, pointing to my usually covered head.

"Oh my gosh! I have to go back and get it!", I yelled.

"It's to late Fionna, we're already at school", Flame told me.

"Well, does anyone have a pony tail holder?", I asked.

"Yah, let me just check my purse real quick", replied a sarcastic Flame.

Ugh, can this day get any worse?


"Wow Fionna, I love your hair!", I heard at least 10 people say in home room.

"Why didn't you wear you're hat today Fionna?", asked LSP.

"I forgot", I mumbled.

"Well, I don't know about you, but you look fabulous today!"

"Thanks LSP, I sure don't feel like it though. I feel so girly." I explained.

"You're a girl, you should feel girly Fionna."

"True", I answered as Miss. IQ walked in the class. I just can't seem to think of her of anything else of Simone for some reason.

After that, I went to biology with Emy.

"So still no thoughts on old Ricky, huh?", Emy asked me.

"Of course not!", I told her, "he is so full of himself it's not even laughable"

"I like you're hair, by the way."

"I've heard."

The entire class went by with Ricardio sending me winks and lifting his eyebrows, and me holding up a finger Cake doesn't approve of. Geeesh! Can't he take a hint?

I was so happy when the bell rang that I almost jumped our of my seat. That happiness didn't last long. As I was at my locker, Ricardio spun me around and pinned my arms to the locker.

"So, I was wondering, I'm having this crazy party that all the cool people are going to. I was wondering if you'd like to go. As my date!" he said, while grossly stoking my hair. Of all the days I forget to wear my hat...

I tried to get out of his grip, but he was to strong! I was about to kick him in the boing loings when I heard a huge SMACK!

In an instant, Ricardio was on the ground, holding his jaw. I was surprised to see who my savior was.

"Marshall! Why do you do that?", I asked half surprised, half happy.

"He had you pinned to a locker. I don't like that." he said bash fully.

I didn't even have time to thank him before Mr. Jake, the principal, came running to see what happend. I didn't notice until now that there was a huge crowd around us, including an angery

Breakfast Princess.

"What is going on here?" Mr. Jake demanded.

"Ricardio had Fionna pinned to a locker, Mr. Jake", Marshall explained.

"No I didn't!", Ricardio argued," she was enjoying it! I was about to kiss her."

That's when Marshall lunged at him.

The boys got into quite a scuffle until Mr. Jake stretched out and pulled them apart.

"Fionna, Marshall Lee, Ricardio. Office. NOW", Mr. Jake demanded, " you too Emy, I need a reliable witness."

We all squeezed into his office. Marshall and Ricardio were glaring at each other, I was looking at Marshall for some odd reason, and Emy... well, she was having some fun with a piece of string.

"Anyone care to explain what happened?" Mr. Jake asked.

We all started to yell our own versions until Mr.J decided to just hear Emy's version.

"Fionna was minding her own business when Ricky just came up to her and pinned her arms to the locker! I mean, who does that?!? Anywhooo, he started to stroke her hair and and talk to her about this party I'm not invited to, which I don't know why until... BAM!! here comes Marshall Lee out of no where with a right hook!! He saved Fionna, so old Ricky here should be the only one getting in trouble."

"Ricardio, you're harassment to the female gender makes me sick." Mr. Jake said in a deep voice.

"So, Ricardio, your suspended for the rest of the day today and tomorrow, and Marshall, you have detention after school today."

"Okay, I'm cool with that." Marshall said, winking at me.

"Come on! Why don't you flick Marshall off when he flirts with you instead of blushing! No fair!" Ricardio complained.

"Enough! Now get to class, all of you, except for Ricardio." demanded Mr. Jake.

We slumped back to class. Except for Marshall, he seemed pretty happy with him self.

I couldn't help but smile.

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