Doo-Wops & Hooligans

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Marshall's P.O.V

"Yes! It's finally Friday bro! And you know what that means... You're spending the day with Fionna!" I sang into the mirror.

Get yourself together man! Your the Vampire King! Stop singing in the mirror for a girl!

~~~flash back to yesterday~~~

After detention, I went to Flame's place and asked if he could come over today. He said exactly what I wanted to hear!

He couldn't come because he signed up for an art convention, but that he might show up later after he's done.

~~~flash back over~~~

I got some of my favorite albums out before I left to meet up with the guys outside Fionna's house.

As soon as I got there, Flame asked why I was in such a good mood.

"I drank a lot of red this morning", I lied. I couldn't possibly tell them the truth. Yet.

Fionna stepped outside, wearing her bunny hat. Aww... She looked so pretty without it...

"Let's get going guys! Ricardio's not at school today and I want to enjoy every second of this day!" she exclaimed happily.

Haha! So do I...

"Why the smirk, Marshall Lee?", Gumball asked. Was I being too obvious?

"Let's just go, I don't want detention again", I reminded them.

"About that Marshall, thanks for saving me from that butt Ricardio yesterday. It means a lot." Fionna told me.

"Oh, it was nothing. I didn't really like him anyways, and it seemed like a great opportunity to beat him up", I slightly lied.

"So are we still up for today guys?", Fionna asked us.

"I can't go", said Flame and Gumball at the same time.

"Yah, it's just you and me today Fionna", I said.

"Great!", she said happily, "I mean, yah that's cool."

I couldn't help but smile.

The rest of the day went smoothly. A lot of girls tried to flirt with me cause they thought I was SOO cool for defending Fionna yesterday, while the rest gave me dirty looks for beating up their little crush. Glob! Why are girls these days attracted to tools like him? It makes no sense!

"So whatcha doing today Marshall Lee, wanna go to the movies?" asked Slime Princess. she wasn't slimy, but she was slightly green.

"Sorry, I'm hanging with Fionna today." Wait! Did I just say that?

"Awwww!" I heard a bunch of people say.

"It's not like that! We're just friends." I quickly answered.

"That's a shame. You would be lovely together", said a voice behind me. It was Breakfast Princess. I'm not gonna lie, she is pretty, but there's just something off about her.

"But if you ever need some female companionship, I'll be here." she said.

"Um, thanks?" I said. Weird.

~~~ ~~~

Yes! It was finally the end of the day! I met up with the crew outside and started to walk home with them.

Flame went off to go to his art thing, then Gumball went to the science fair. Fionna and I eventually got to my place.

"This is going to be wicked cool, Fionna. I found a lot of cool albums from the pre-mushroom era, and I think you'll like them!", I told her.

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