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Fionna's P.O.V.

I suddenly had this pang in my stomach, like when I feel I might lose to a monster I'm fighting. Ugh, I think in going to throw up.

"I have to go to the bathroom, okay guys?" I said to the table.

"May I join you? I wouldn't want you to go all alone to the restroom." I heard Breakfast Princess say.

I wanted to say that she could go dig a hole and lay in there until the end of time, but I'm too nice for that.

"Sure." I responded.

As soon as we got into the bathroom, she got this almost excited look on her face.

"Don't you worry about a thing, Fionna! There's nothing going on between Marshall Lee and I" she told me.

"What?! Why would I worry? There's no reason I would be jealous of you and Marshall hanging out at all!!"

After I said that, I face palmed. Did I really just say that?? Stupid girl hormones.

"Look, Fionna, I know that you like him. So that's why in going to keep my distance. I wouldn't want to hurt you, you know. You're like, my best friend!" she said with that same cheesy smile of hers.

Something inside my gut was telling me to hit her hard enough in the head so she would forget I liked him. But Cake raised me better.

"Thanks, but could you promise me you won't tell anyone?" I practically begged her.

"Of course!" she answered happily.

I guess I'll have to trust this girl. I don't have any other choice.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Marshall, Gumball,and I have last period together, an "advanced" math class. Flame has an advanced English class because he uses his dyslexia to try harder, which makes him a top student.

Flame does get left out sometimes, but he knows we love him.

While we were walking to class, I saw a happy Ricardio, with a girls arm around each elbow. He winked as he walked passed me.

Why are girls so attracted to guys that rant even worth it? Don't they have any idea how big of a stuck up tool he is?

I realized that I was holding on to Marshall's arm as Ricardio was passing. No, not holding, more like strangling.

"Um, are you okay, Fionna?" he winced in pain.

"Oh, yah! Sorry" I said, releasing his arm.

"Don't worry Fionna. I won't let that wad hurt you, okay?", he promised, looking me in the eye, "if he tries something funny, you can count on me. Always."

"Wow, thanks Marshall." I must admit, I do feel safer now.

"Ahem, guys?" I heard a confused Gumball ask us. I soon realized that Marshall and I were in the middle if the hallway, looking at each other.

"Sorry!" we both yelled at the same time, continuing our walk to last period.

As Marshall, Gumball, and I sat down, I let my jealousy get the best of me. What? I've been holding it in since lunch!

"So, you're a guitar teacher now, eh?" I asked Marshall. I was dying to know how this happend.

"Yah. Crazy story actually. She came to my house right after you left! Then she asked for lessons. I don't know what it is about her, but something makes me feel..."

"Uncomfortable?" I finished for Marshall.

"Excactly! But I didn't want to be mean and say no, so you know..."

"Yah, I so know what you mean", I replied. I knew exactly what he meant by uncomfortable.

"Since we can't hang out today, how about tomarrow?" Marshall asked us.

"I'd love to, but I have a science project to finish with Dr. Princess", Gumball replied.

"Wouldn't want to miss that, huh, tiger?" Marshall teased.

"Don't push your luck Marshall. Remember?" Gumball said, quickly glancing at me.

Marshall shut his mouth and turned a slight shade if pink. Why is everyone so secretive?!

"I could tomorrow. I have nothing planned." I told Marshall Lee.

"Great! I found these really old books along with the records. I think that you'll like them." he said quickly. They must be pretty good books if he got that excited over us hanging out.

Ahhhh... If only he knew

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