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Fionna's P.O.V

Biology with Emy was pretty fun! Even though she she wouldn't stop babbling while the teacher was giving us our assignment, I think we are going to get along just fine.

"Hey, do you see that?", Emy asked me.

"See what?"

She pointed to a desk behind me. Guy who was sitting there was staring right at me. He had a reddish tint to him, and was very well built, like a football player.

"Who is that?" I asked her.

"That's Ricardio, the school jock. And Breakfast Princess ex."

"He is kinda starting to scare me."

He was! Holy Glob it was just really awkward. When he saw that we noticed he was staring, he didn't just turn away like a normal person. No, the little butt winked at me! Thats it.

"Hey you!", I loudly whispered to him, "Stop staring at me you creep!"

"Ohhh, feisty are you? I like that" he answered.

Thank goodness the bell rang before I had to turn into strangling mode.

"Bye Fionna" Emy said.

"Bye" I replied.

Marshall saw me in the hallway and came up to me.

"Hey, you wanna walk to English class with me?" he asked.

"Yah, sure"

"Why are you so irritable now? You look like your going to strangle something" he asked.

"Oh sorry. It's just this guy that keeps flirting with me. He's so full of himself! If he would give me a reason to fight him I would."

"A guy is flirting with you?" Marshall asked quickly. He had a strange expression on his face.


He quickly changed his expression. And the subject.

"Well anyways, I was thinking that this Friday after school you, Prince Gumball, and Flame Prince and I could hang out and listen to some pre- mushroom war music I found" he said.

"Yah that sounds great!" I replied as we were walking into English class.

We sat down next to each other in the middle of the class and waited for the teacher to walk in.

"By the way Marshall, you're not going to like this teacher. I have her for homeroom and she's so strict!" I told him.

"Fionna, you know that no matter how strict a teacher can be, that won't stop this 'ole trouble maker" he replied, pointing both thumbs at himself.

We both started laughing at this until the teacher walked in.

"Hello class. I am Miss. Ice Queen, and I will be your English teacher for the year." she said.

I turned to see if Marshall had his trouble making face on, but he was pale. Considering that he's a vampire, that means something.

"Are you okay, dude?" I asked, suddenly worried.

He didn't seem to hear me. He was lost in thought.

"Simone?" he whispered.

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