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Breakfast Princess's P.O.V

Ahhhh, the end of the day! How refreshing! I love knowing that I'm a partially done with my plan to ruin Marshall Lee and Fionna.

I can now check getting their trust off of my mental list. Now I just need to go to Marshall's house...

I saw the "crew" walking out of the school after last period and caught up to them.

"Hey guys! May I walk with you? I am going to Marshall's house after all", I asked.

"Sure" they said.

We all walked until we had to separate. Good. I need to be alone if this is going to work.

As we walked into Marshall's house, I started to look around. He must have it hidden somewhere.

"Whatcha looking for B.P?" asked Marshall. I hate being called that.

"Just the bathroom, could you show me?" I asked.

"Sure", he said while directing me to the bathroom inside his room.


As soon as he left, I started to look around. I looked under his bed, on the night desk, in the closet, until I found it hidden in the blankets. It looked so old, but it was worth so much! I needed it if my plan was going to work.

I stuffed it into my bag and went outside.

"Okay, today's lesson is going to be on the simple chord, e minor." He instructed me.

I already know how to play guitar, so it was hard pretending not to know this easy chord.

"Wow, you're a fast learner B.P", he told me.

"Thank you." I replied sweetly. Time to take action.

"I really must be going now, or else my father will worry", I said, pretending to be in a hurry.

"Okay, I'll walk you out."

When we reached the door, I turned to him and looked at him with the most caring eyes I could possibly muster.

"Thank you so much, you're very kind." I told him.

"No prob."

Before he could react, I hugged him,"really, this means a lot to me", I whispered in his ear.

I could feel him getting uncomfortable, so I kissed him on the cheek before he could squirm out.

"Bye Marshall!" I yelled as I ran out the door. I heard the story about the girl that tried to hug him before, I ran for it after I kissed him.

He slammed the door. Awwww, poor Marshy's mad. Haha! Have fun explaining this to your little crush Fionna.

Well, anyways, I have to go and trade this thing he calls "hambo" before the party. A love spell takes time to make, you know.

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