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"Here we are", Marshall said as he put me down in a meadow-y place.

Ughhhhh why couldn't he just leave me alone! And not kidnap me to bring me to a stupid, girly place!

"Could you please take that scowl of your face? I practically risked my life you know", he asked me.

"It's not my fault you're a creeper", I replied.

"What do I have to do to prove that I'm sorry, vas that I didn't intentionally do what I did that night!"

"What do you mean 'not intentionally'?", I asked. What was he trying to pull here ?

"Look, after I sang to you, I got a killer headache. I went looking for you still, but then I guess I blacked out...", I guess he could see that I wasn't convinced. But he is still trying.

"When I woke up, I was alone. I tried looking for you, but everyone had gone home. But then Flame came and explained everything..." he said with a sad face.

Okay, I'm starting to believe him now. But he's got to tell me more!

"But why would you pass out? Why would you kiss Breakfast Princess?" I asked.

"I went to Prince Gumball and asked him if he knew anything, and he said I had been 'poisoned' by Breakfast Princess."

"What?? Ohhh when I get my fists around her I'll..."

"There's no need for that", he said as he put his hands on mine, unclenching my fists.

"Right now, we should just focus on us", he said.

Shoot, there go my cheeks again. Always turning red. I should be acting hard to get or something! Even though it wasn't really his fault... Shut up brain.

"Fine. But I have to ask, why did you bring me here?", I asked Marshall Lee.

"Oh, here? It reminds me of when I used to come here with my dad. It's really special to me, so I guess I had to bring you here too", he replied bashfully.

My tough walls crashed around me. How could I be so cold now when he's being so flipping sincere!!

"You're forgiven!", I yelled as I went in for a hug, "just stop being so nice!", I mumbled into his chest.

"Ha, who would've known that my Fionna would be such a softie", he whispered into my hair.

Is that okay, whispering into my hair? I mean he is taller than me... Stop thinking about that! You're having a nice moment!

"Can we just sit down for a while?", I asked him.

"Sure", he replied, letting me go.

I sat down on the grass and patted the floor next to me. He followed my implied command. He's just like a little puppy!

"Don't treat me like a dog, I control myself!", he joked.

Wow, it's like he can read freaking minds! After he sat down next to me, we just stayed silent, but not an awkward silence.

"So, has anything happened since we haven't, you know, talked?", he asked me, breaking the silence.

"Well, nothing really. I guess I've grown closer to Flame, if that counts", I explained.

I saw the corner of his mouth twitch, but it wasn't really going towards a smile. I should've known he would be jealous!

"Great, now Flame's in the competition" Marshall Lee muttered.

"What competition?"

"Who's going to get your heart, duh", he said.

"Hahaha! Oh my glob you are so funny, really!", I giggled. I couldn't help but laugh. Holy cow, who do these guys think I am?

"Come on Fionna, this isn't funny!", he almost yelled.

Okay, now I can see he's being serious. The look on his face looks like he's either going to punch a brick wall or bury into tears. I should probably stop.

"Fine, fine. I'll stop", I apologized.

I rested my head again his shoulder. Maybe that'll make him calm the flip down!

"I'm sorry Fionna", he said, pulling his signature "arm around her shoulders" move, "it's just that it hurts me to think that you might want to be with someone else", he apologized rather bashfully.


"You don't have to worry about that anytime soon, okay?", I answered.

"You sure?", he asked.

"Of course! I mean, I can't imagine anyone getting in the way if whatever this is!", I replied.

"Gee, thanks Fionna. You have such a way with words", he said.

"Okay, let me start over. I promise that I will never leave your side. Not in a stalker way, just in a loving way. Even is we do decide to be friends one day"

"Do you really mean that?", he asked.

I just nodded yes. The cuteness/awkwardness of this conversation was getting the best of me!

"Thanks!!", he yelled as he wrapped me in the biggest bear hug I have ever recieved, "I know this might be too soon, me being 16 and all, but I think I love you"

BAM!! Think Fionna, what do you do? he just confessed his "love" for you! Dang it, first he kidnaps you then says he loves you?

"Love you too."

Woah, were did those words come from? Dang it heart, you always get in the way of things, just blurting out your feeling like that, gosh.

But, to think of it, it is true. All the things we've gone through, and the way I feel about him, I gotta love him right? I have to learn to just go along with my heart sometimes...

Marshall Lee smiled the biggest grin I've ever seen, I've never seen someone so happy! I had to smile myself too, of course!

Then my smile vanished.

"Marshall, how long have we been here?", I asked nervously.

"Ummm, I don't know. Why?" he asked.

I just pointed to the horizon. The sun was coming up slowly, painting the sky with beautiful shades of pink and orange. Too bad this gorgeous scenery might be why I'll be grounded for life. It's probably almost 7:00 am and I'm not in bed. How could time have passed so quickly??

"Marshall take me back home!!", I pleaded.

"Heard you loud and clear!", he said has he picked me up bridal style and started flying.

I apparently fell asleep in his arms because next thing I know, I'm waking up in my bed.

Awww, he set my stuffed Gunther next to me before he left! Wait, what time is it?

I looked at my clock, and it said 12:36. Holy cow! How did no one wake me up??

"Hey Fionna, are you awake yet?", speak of the Lich.

"Yah Flame! It'll be a minute!", I yelled through the door.

Do I have awesome timing or what?

I happily got dressed and brushed my hair back into my bunny hat, which somehow came off *cough* Marshall.

I opened the door, expecting to find a happy Flame Prince. But I found the opposite.

"Where were you last night?", he demanded.

Oh Glob, here we go.

~~~ Hey my little chans, it's been awhile, so I'll catch you up! It's Your Privilege is being written by my best friend Micky, not me. But you should still read it!

-This updates question is....
Any of you guys have a talent? Musical, artistic, or athletic? I'm a distance runner and I'm 1st chair violin *hair flip*

Senpai out!!~~~

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