All About You

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Marshall Lee's P.O.V


I don't even have words for how stunning she looks. I've never seen her in anything but her blue shirt and skirt...

"Yah, I know. I probably look ridiculous right now, huh?", Fionna asked me.

"What? Fionna, you look beautiful today! Wait, I'm not saying that you don't look beautiful every day. Wait! I'll just stop talking..." I need to learn when to shut my mouth.

"Haha, okay Marshall Lee. You look quite dapper yourself", she hinted at me. I was wearing a suit and tie surprisingly.

"Let's go, M'lady. Wouldn't want to miss my gig tonight", I teased.

She punched me gently in the arm and blushed. I turned into my huge bat form and then she got on my back. Yah, it's not romantic, but it's all I got okay?

Fionna and I chatted on the way to Flame's party until I saw Breakfast Princess under us.

"What's wrong?", Fionna asked.

"Eh, nothing. It's just that I saw Breakfast Princess down there", I pointed.

"She looks like she's holding a bottle or something", Fionna told me.

"It's probably nothing. Don't worry about her, tonight's about you and I, remember?"

I could tell she got bashful because she giggles and then didn't talk the rest of the way.

As soon as we got close to Flame's place, I started to change back to my normal self.

"Be careful, I don't want to fall!", Fionna yelled in my arms.

"You don't trust me?", I asked her sarcastically.

"Well, we are 25 feet of the ground..."

"So this would hurt, right. Since you don't trust me...", I said as I let go of her.

"MARSHALL LEE!!!", Fionna yelled.

I quickly went to go catch her, inches before she would crash into the dirt.

"What the flip was that for??", she demanded.

"I just wanted to show you that you can trust me", I explained.

"You didn't have to make me plunge through the air to make me trust you. I already do you stupid vampire!"

Fionna had the ability to compliment and insult at the same time. One of the many things I love about her.

"Come on, let's go pretty bunny. We have a night of a lifetime to spend!", I said as I pulled her from her waist, leading her into the party.

It was a big reception area, easily fitting 400 people. All the way in the back was the stage. I am soooo ready for tonight. Let's just hope she likes the song.

"Hi Marshall Lee and Fionna!", Gumball called out to us. He had Dr.Princess by his side, wearing a light orange dress. I'm happy for him.

"Hey Gumball, hey Dr.P", I answered.

"You guys going to dance?", Fionna asked then.

"Only if you two do", Gumball answered.

"Of course we're going to dance, right?", I asked Fionna.

I saw her cheeks turn red. Everyone knows she can't dance! I could tell she was beginning to panick.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you", I whispered in her ear. She seemed to lighten up after that.

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