6th grade

730 26 3

~~~ Three years later~~~

Fionnas P.O.V

It's been three years since the crew and I have met. Even though we haven't changed, we did find a little of ourselves.

Firstly, Prince Gumball is the brains of the group. He is the only one in the group that's in charge of a whole kingdom! Sometimes, we have out without him because he's so busy taking care of the Candy people. He's always getting a's on his homework and exams so of course Marshall Lee teases him!

Marshall Lee is the rocker/musician of the group. He had also remained as the schools trouble maker. Heck, he's even took his family's battle axe and made it into bass! Marshall is also is huge flirt, but he has told me it's just funny to see the girls blush. But of course he knows better than to mess with me because I'll bear the stuffing out of him.

Flame Prince is the artist of the group. Flame Prince has finally accepted his gift after all these years. He is always winning awards for his watercolors and sculptures! But, even after all this recognition, he's still very self conscious of his dislexia.

And then there's me! I'm of course the athlete if the group. I was awarded M.V.P of the Aaa basketball team and in known for being the strong girl, no one messes with me. Well, except for when Flame Prince and Marshsall Lee want to play a stupid prank on me( I always get them back)

We have hung out almost every day since we met, mostly at my house because we would burn if we went to Flame's place, Marshall's place is just eery, and Gumball's castle is boring.

When we hang out, I'm usually playing B-MO, Flame is usually drawing, Marshall's writing music, and Gumball is doing his work. Everything seems to be so simple for us! We always hang out and we all still think relationships are.... icky. Even Marshall Lee!

Cake certainly doesn't think that! She's always at Lord Mochros house. They've been dating since last year and are inseparable! I think it's cute how a cat and a magical horse can be so in love like they are

I really hope that what the crew and I have stays like this for a long time. I don't even want to imagine what will happen when we go to high school! But, I guess we'll just have to see what'll happen then. But for now, I'm gonna go and enjoy fighting evil cloud people with my best buddies!

~~~Hey guys if your reading this, I think your awesome! bye guys!!!😘~~~

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