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  • Dedicated to Ur mom

Flame's P.O.V

Did I seriously just do that?

I shivered in the cold October night. I left my jacket with Fionna. Glob, what time is it? I looked down and saw my watch. 12:00 a.m! Well there went my party.

My party? Yah right, more like Marshall Lee's party. I don't see why he made me go through all this trouble to surprise Fionna when he just stood her up like that! I wish I could've beat some sense into him before taking Fionna home. Eh, too late now.

When I arrived to where the party was at, it was almost empty. Except for one person.

"Marshall Lee Abadeer! You have a lot of explaining to do", I demanded. I could feel my flame getting bigger.

He didn't reply. His head was on the table, covered by his arms.

"I know you hear me vampire! Get up!", I yelled.

No reply.

I walked over to the table where he was at. I slapped his shoulder and he popped up.

"What! I'm awake! I'm here! Oh hey Flame, what up?", he asked in a friendly/confused tone.

"Don't "what's up me" Marshall. you know what you did tonight. You should be ashamed to be in Aaa right now, you jerk", I spat. It's true.

"What are you talking about? And where is everyone? And where's Fionna?! I swear I just got of the stage and started looking for her!", He said.

I'm not falling for it.

"Really? Did you just happen to confuse Fionna with Breakfast Princess by any chance? Did that so you sang for Fionna have a double meaning?"

"What are you saying? That song was supposed to be for Fionna! It's means what it says. I like her. A lot. Probably even love her",He explained.

"Oh so the whole breaking her heart and humiliating her in front of everyone was just an accident right", I replied sarcastically.

"What? I never do any of that! Much less with Breakfast Princess, I don't have any idea what you're talking about dude."

I've had enough. I grabbed him by his collar.

"You broke her heart. You made her cry all night. You kissed Breakfast Princess right in front of her. So don't tell me you love her when you clearly don't!" I let go of him.

"I didn't do any of that! This has to be a misunderstanding! I'll just go to Fionna's treehouse to tomorrow morning and..."

I cut him off short.

"Don't you dare go to her house. She's had enough of you! I swear if you go I'll..."

This time it was him who cut me off.

"You'll what? You can't tell me what to do. I love Fionna, and I'll never leave her side", he growled.

"Ha! Then who was the person who walked her home? Who was the person's shoulder that she cried on all night? Who stayed with her tonight because she was afraid to be alone after what you did to her? Me", I replied.

I saw his face get a light shade of red, and I saw him get a little teary eyed.

"I don't believe a word you are saying! I never did any of this."

"Go ask anyone in Aaa, they'll tell you what I just told you. Bye Vampire King", I replied. I brushed past him went to my house. I'd had enough emotions for one night.

As I was leaving, I heard a rustle, like a girl running with a dress on. I decided to shrug it off when I heard a laugh. I followed the sound and found a little purple bottle. It was empty. She must have dropped it, so I took it home with me. I'll have Gumball look at it later.

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