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^^^Everlong by Foo Fighters. It's a beautiful song, just listen to the lyrics and don't pay attention to screen shot it took, it's weird, I know^^^

Fionna's P.O.V

Holy cow...Was this really happening? Maybe I'm imagining thing. No, even I can't imagine something this awesome. Might as well listen to him.

"Look, Fionna, when I heard that Ricardio guy was trying to make a move on you, I'll admit, I felt jealous. Then when I saw him creeping on you, I didn't even think. I punched him before I knew what made me do it!"

Jealous? Ha! I thought I was the only one... Wait a minute!

"I don't know how to say this, being the bad little boy I am, but I have feelings for you. Feelings that I don't have for anyone else I know. This must sound pretty cheesy, but I'm trying my best..." he stopped.

"... To say you like me?" I finished for him.

"Yah, something like that. I strongly like you Fionna" he shrugged. It was so obvious that he was trying to keep cool.

"Don't worry about it", I smiled at him.

"I just confessed my strongly liking you! How can't I worry? You know what forget it, it doesn't mean anything if you don't feel the same" he explained, panicking.

"What makes you think that?", I asked, half laughing.

He looked confused. Can't he take a hint??

"Oh my Glob Marshall Lee, I strongly like you too!" I yelled.

"Oh! I ummm.." he stuttered.

I put my index finger on his lip to shut him up.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with having feelings, okay Vampire King?", I teased.

He rolled his eyes,"I know I'm not a soulless monster, Fionna."

"Just kidding!", come on Marshall, I'm joking.

"I know, but it's not easy being half demon, half vampire. Everyone thinks you're a monster. I've just gotten a little defensive over the years..."

"I'm sorry", I apologized. I forgot how sensitive he must be because of Simone and all.

"What are we going to do about strongly liking each other then?" I asked him, trying to change the subject back.

"About that", he started to say, a smile slowly forming," you'll know for sure on Friday at the party, You'll be my date after all..."

"Just because I like you doesn't mean you can just tell me what to do",I scoffed. I'll admit it, I was a little flattered...

My thoughts got interrupted by him holding my hands and him making the biggest puppy dog face I've ever seen.

"Pleeeeaaase Fionna!! It would mean the WORLD to me if you would honor me by being my date!" he begged.

"Erm...", the cuteness, I couldn't take it,"yes! Just stop with the face!!"

After I accepted, he quickly changed his face and started laughing.

"You're right! I can't tell you what to do, but I sure as heck can convince you!", he said in between laughs.

I punched him in the chest. Not to hard though, cause you know, I like him.

"What was that you were saying before you tricked me?" I asked him.

"Oh yah!," he face palmed,"I'll be performing a special song for a special lady of mine. I'd like to know an answer to my question after the song."

"What's the question?" I asked.

"Who said it was for you?" he joked.

"Don't push your luck Marshall Lee."

"I'm going to ask this very special girl of she wanted to be an... a... couple?"

"I'm sure she'll say yes", I reassured him.

"I really hope she does", he winked. What a charmer.

After I looked away from his stupid (charming)grin, I looked at the clock he had on his wall.

"Oh my glob Marshall!! I have to get home!!", it was 9:45. my curfew was at 10:00. Cake's going to kill me!

"Don't worry Fionna. Don't you remember who I am?" he reassured me.

"Cake doesn't care if you're the Vampire King! She'll yell at me all the same!" I told him.

"Ouch, that actually hurt", he said jokingly," I meant this!"

He suddenly grabbed me by the waste and flew me up.

"Let me go!" I yelled as he started to fly up higher.

"Do you want Cake to give you the lecture of a lifetime?" he asked.

Oh, he was taking me home. This time I really had to face palm myself. At least he was genuinely being sweet and thoughtful.

I let him fly me to the tree fort without anymore of my complications. By complications I mean freaking out!

When we got to the house, he let me down gently, not wanting to upset me more. We walked onto the front entrance, in front of the door.

"Tell Cake I brought you here safe and sound", Marshall teased. He knew Cake didn't like vampires.

"I'll be sure to, don't worry", I laughed.

I was about to turn around to open the door and go in, when suddenly, Marshall spun me around.

"Can't wait for Friday, beautiful", he whispered in my ear.

Even before I could blush, he kissed me in the forehead. If I thought I was blushing before, now my cheeks are on fire!

"Oh, um, yah, errr.... Bye!!" I stuttered before ultimately running inside the house and slamming the door shut. Did I hear him laughing outside? Its not my fault I get embarrassed easily...

The old Fionna was long behind me, that's apparent. But for some strange reason, I like that. I feel like I don't have to keep being the tough, basketball player I've been for a while. Now I feel like I can trust Marshall with anything.

Including my heart.

~~~Jaycee here! ***i don't own any of the songs in this book*** I looooove comments, so feel free to leave as many as you want!!~~~

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