Poo Brain

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Fionna's P.O.V

I spent the entire weekend wondering about Friday. I'm absolutely positive that Marshall Lee was about to tell me something really important before Flame walked in. But I didn't only have that swarming in my mind. Why the heck did Breakfast Princess want to make up?

Why would she just casually see me in the forest. And to make it even weirder, she wanted to be friends. I strictly remember her hating me on the day we met, and her ex liking me wouldn't really make matters better. Why would she want to make up with me?

Agh!! Everything was so simple a couple of weeks ago, but now I feel like I have poo brain.

I don't have enough time to be thinking about this anymore, Flame's going to knock down my door if I don't leave soon.

"Finally, Fionna!!" Flame yelled as I opened the door.

"I'm sorry, it's just been a rough weekend"' I remarked. I do feel emotionally exhausted after all.

"What happend?", Gumball asked.

"Oh, nothing. I just had a lot to think about, that's all." Hey, it was true, wasn't it?

"So what about that party you're throwing, Flames?" I asked.

"Um, well I'm planning to invite everyone in our grade, so if you could spread the word around, that'll be great."

"Okay, I'll make sure to." I replied.

"Can I invite Dr.Princess?" asked Gumball.

"Only if you promise me you'll kiss her at the party Bubba" Marshall told him.

"Oh, cut it out guys! It's not like we are going out",Gumball replied,"I am planning on asking her out though..."

"Awwwww!" I said. That's so cute, Gumball getting a girlfriend and all. I wish someone had a crush on me so I could be in a relationship to.

"I was just kidding, you can invite whoever you want, Gumball." Marshall Lee said.

"Good. I'll go ask her right now then", Gumball said. I didn't notice we were at school already.

"Bye Fionna" Marshall called out before leaving.

"Bye." I replied. Aww, he said bye.... STOP FIONNA! It was just a simple bye!

I went to home room, with a slight smile on my face.

"Why are you so happy Fionna?" asked LSP.

"Nothing! Anyways, do you want to go to a party this Friday?" I asked her, changing the subject.

"Yeah! I just hope I don't see Brad there. Things are complicated between us right now."

Wow, is everyone in a relationship? Gosh, I feel left out.

"Thanks, I'll tell Flame you're coming then." I told her.

The rest of homeroom went with LSP complaining about how Brad might be cheating, but how she still loves him, blah, blah. Wow, relationships are complicated.

As soon as the bell rang, I went out the classroom and saw Emy.

"Hi Fionna!! Am I invited to your guys' party? That's what everyone is taking about!" Emy asked as soon as she saw me.

"Of course Emy, you're one of my best friends." I replied.

"YAAAY!!", she yelled, grabbing my arms, "thank you!!"

I dint have the heart to tell her everyone is invited. I wouldn't want to crush her hyperactive heart.

"Come on! Let's go to class!" she said. She let out if one of my arms and yanked the other one all the way to biology.

As soon as I sat down, I realized two things.

1-my arm hurts a lot

2-Ricardio is back

As soon as he saw me, he came up to me.

"Hey, before you get you're little boyfriend to beat me up, hear me out. Why do you like they Marshall Lee guy so much and not me? I have looks, brawn, and money. There are a ton of girls they would kill to be with me, and you just keep rejecting me! Whet does that vampire have that I dont??" he said.

Oh my glob, please don't tell me I'm blushing. Come on, hurry up with a clever come back before people think you like Marshall!!

"I never said I liked Marshall", I told him. Well, I never said it. "And if I did, it might be because he's not a full of himself snob like you. If so many girls are just dying to be with you, then why don't you just pry on them instead of obsessing over me!"

"Okay, fine, I will! But remember Fionna, this isn't over yet." he said, winking.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. WOW. It's almost laughable how big of an ego he has.

"Way to show him who's boss, Fionna!", Emy said, " I wish I was as strong as you."

If only she knew my strength was going down, little by little. Over a boy named Marshall Lee.

During lunch, Breakfast Princess came to my table where Flame, Marshall, and Gumball, and I sit.

"May I sit here?" she asked in that baby voice of hers. I don't know, but it makes me feel a little eery.

"Sure", I replied.

"Thanks!", she said, "It seems like the whole school is talking about your party this Friday, Flame. Am I invited?" she asked him.

"Yah, if you want to", he answered.

"Remember Marshall, today's Monday!" she told him cheerfully.

"Oh yah. I almost forgot", he told her

"I can't thank you enough for offering me guitar lessons after school!It means so much to a girl like me," she told him.

Marshall's giving her guitar lessons?! After school?! I've never been so jealous and angry in my life!

I could feel the color drain from my face. This just can't be happening!

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