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song for chapter:
work song - hozier
| when my time comes around, lay me gently in the cold dark earth |
(highly recommend + put on repeat)

Jaylee's pov

my hand pushed against the heavy door, letting it shut quietly in hopes that I could sneak into my own house.

being anxious, I bit onto my bottom lip to calm my nerves. I paused, not removing from the door, waiting to see if I could hear anyone talking.

it was silent.

slowly, I took my hand off the door, starting to walk into my house further and further.

not even trying to risk it, my hand grabbed for the thin black metal railing on the stairs, letting my feet walk up a few steps.

"get your ass down here now." my dads masculine voice echoed throughout the entire house, causing a deep pit to dart into my stomach.

my eyes shut as I held my breath, then exhaled as I opened them. I dragged my feet back down the stairs, dreading this talk.

I stepped down onto the hardwood, letting my backpack slip off my shoulders as I walked into the living room.

my heart rate began to pick up pace seeing both of my parents, sammy's parents, and sammy all sitting down on the couches.

my eyes turned to sammy, he was slouched back onto the couch while holding an ice pack against his lip.

I was taken back by how much worse he looked right now compared to how he looked in school. you can tell that the cut and bruises are starting to become more defined in color and size.

all eyes were staring at me, causing me to pause. I hesitated slightly before walking to the leather couch, sitting next to sammy.

I rubbed my lips together as my hands rested in my lap, holding onto each other.

my dad cleared his throat deeply, "wanna tell us what happened at school today?" he questioned, his arm around the back of the couch, one leg crossed loosely.

I swallowed the air in my throat as I turned to sammy, his eyes shifting up to me without his body moving a muscle.

"how dare you sit and watch your own boyfriend get hurt." sammy's mom cut everyone off before we could speak, her eyes squinting at me as if she despised me.

I shut my eyes letting out the air stuck in my lungs, still refusing to talk until I truly needed to.

"look at his face." my mom aimed her attention to sammy. "how do you feel that you sat and watched your own boyfriend get hurt?" her eyes shifted back to me.

"I didn't want to get hurt." I mumbled, already knowing that this conversation was going to go worse than I imagined it.

"jaylee, this is your boyfriend. you should always be defending him." sammy's dad told me in a stern voice, having higher expectations for me.

my eyebrows raised high, feeling myself become shocked. "you do realize that it was two huge guys fighting, right?" I questioned, letting my eyes look at each of them.

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