Chapter 1 - Black Reaper

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-15 Years Later-
Two B+ and one A rank ghouls run away from the investigators, the female investigator who carries a whip commands the others not to let them get away. Before those ghouls reach their destination, a young ghoul investigator appears in front of them.

"Tch! They are so persistent! Kill him! Just one do-"

Before one of the ghoul finishes his line, the sole investigator cut his head off using his sword. Seeing his friend's head roll over onto the ground, the other two ghouls stop at once.

"W-Wait! That's! Black reaper!!"

Within a short time the young investigator avoids all of their attack and invades them and defeats the three ghouls by himself. The remaining investigator sees him and the team leader stops in front of the Black Reaper.

"Good job, Kaneki.".

"...Likewise, Akira-san.", replies Kaneki as he is wiping his quinque.

Kaneki Ken (a.k.a Black Reaper) is the successor of white reaper, Arima Kishou. People believe that he will surpass his teacher one day. He inherits Arima's cold personality and yet he is harsh too unlike Arima, that's why he was feared by the other investigators.

-CCG Headquarters-
Kaneki buys a hot coffee can from the vending machine then suddenly someone smacks his back.

"Yo, Kaneki. Welcome back!", says the guy with black and yellow hair.

"Hello, Hide."

Nagachika Hideyoshi, Kaneki's childhood friend and investigator from division II. His personality is really contrast from Kaneki's, he is really cheerful and friendly to everyone.

"Kaneki, Matsuri-san summoned you. Have you done something wrong?"

"Don't know. Thanks for telling me, Hide. See you next time."

Kaneki heading to Washuu Matsuri's office, he is the CCG chairman's grandson. He was disliked by many people including Kaneki because of his personality. Kaneki knocks the door then he hears the response from inside, he comes in and he sees the bearded man keep writing. Even Kaneki is already standing in front of him, he won't look at him. 

"Did you summon me, sir?"

He tosses several documents to Kaneki then he picks and read it. It's about four persons's profile and one paper of notice for Kaneki Ken. While he is reading it the person in front of him finally stop writing and looks at Kaneki.

"From now I remove you from Mado's squad and move you to quinx squad, you will be their mentor. Quinx is a new team that I formed, the members are those four persons. They are a with restrained kakuhou installed in their body."

"Half-human.. Sir, do you assign me into this group so I can to take care of them just in case they become out of control?"

"You are already get the answer by your own. Any objection?"

Kaneki stares at his superior then he gives his answer, "No, sir."

"I will provide them a chateau and from now on, you will live with them. Now you may leave."

Kaneki bows down then he leaves the room, after he leaves he clicks his tongue.

That four eyed goat, I hope someone will kick his ass someday.

Kaneki spend his time at cafeteria and while he is sipping his coffee, Hide sits in front of him.

"Kaneki, I heard you will be transfer to the new group, quinx is it?", asks Hide as he eats his curry.

"Yeah, that shitty four eyed goat transfer me to take care half-ghoul in CCG."

While Hideyoshi get choke because he hears what Kaneki said, Kaneki keep thinking about the people who will be in his care.

Seriously, what is that shitty goat thinking? Turning human into ghoul, as if he is toying with someone's life. Let's see..Urie Kuki, he looks like a model student and excellent. Mutsuki Tooru, looks like shy person. Shirazu Ginshi, he a delinquent? And the last is Tsunebayashi Saiko, a girl who looks an otaku. Some of them lose their parents and this girl has been forced by her mother to become quinckes.

After the work time is over, Kaneki buys some groceries then he heading home. He makes some food and ten minutes later he hears the door opens and someone enters the house.

"Welcome home, Arima-san."

"Yeah, I'm home."

Arima hangs his coat on coat hanger and loosen his tie meanwhile Kaneki is serving the dinner. While eating Kaneki stares at Arima's white hair, it has been years that Arima's hair turned into white and the cause is unknown.

"Are you still curious about my hair, Ken?", says Arima as he is sipping the soup.

"Sorry for staring. By the way, have you found the whereabouts the One Eyed ghoul?"

Arima puts his bowl down then he shakes his head. 

"How about you? I heard you will become quinckes mentor."

"Yes, I need to move out too from here. That shi- I mean Matsuri-san told me to live with them."

"...I see. Good luck, Ken."

"...Arima-san, I will visit you from time to time. Also, you can visit the chateau."

Arima puts down his bowl and he smiles a bit to Kaneki.

"Thanks for worrying me, Ken. I will take care my health, you too..take care of yourself and them, okay?"

Kaneki looks at Arima and he nods as his answer.


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