Chapter 18.3 - Cochlea Raid (Part 3)

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Arima lower his arm then he demands Kaneki to explains about what he is doing. Kaneki tells him the ghoul who he was fighting with is his precious person and once again Touka feels her cheek burning. Arima and Kaneki are arguing for a moment until Kaneki mentioning about V and Washuu.

"...Where did you hear about it?"

"One Eyed Ghoul, Eto, tell me about it. ...Arima-san, you're the sharpest person in CCG and yet you don't suspicious about them unless you work for them."

Shortly Kaneki and Touka hear several footsteps then they were surrounded by zero squad. Both Kaneki and Touka keep their guard up but then Arima tells them not to be alert since they are here not to fight. They stare each other then Arima tells the truth about him and several children on his squad.

He tells them he knows Eto also that they are not human but half-human, the specimens who was bred by V and Washuu for breeding experiments. Later then, Arima tells them that he is the 'One Eyed King' which makes both of Kaneki and Touka surprise.

"One Eyed King, the hope of ghouls but ironically I'm the one who exterminated them.", says him with sad tone as he walks away from them.

From distances, Kaneki sees Arima picks up his broken quique and places it on his neck. Kaneki knows what he is trying to do and he wants to stop him.

"ARIMA-SAN!! NO!! (Shit! I won't make it!)"

Right before Arima stabs his neck, suddenly a kagune pierces out from the ground and destroy the quinque on Arima's hand. All of them startled then Touka approaches Arima and slaps him hardly till he was thrown off.


The others including Kaneki flabbergasted when they see it's the first time someone manages to slap Arima. After Touka manages to calm herself, Hirako approaches Arima and help him to stand up and everyone can see a hand print on his face.

"If you regret what you've done then don't run away, it won't change anything if you run away! *sigh* If you want to fix your mistake then..why don't you help me instead? But it means you will become traitor to both of your organizations. I want to make a world where both of human and ghoul can live together. Also, the world where you guys can live on too."

Kaneki and the others startled when they hear the offer from Touka. Looking at the youngster in his group, Arima closes his eyes then he gives his answer.

"Very well, Rabbit. I accept your offer."

Hirako and the others nods too, they say they will follow Arima too. Kaneki approaches Touka and saying that he will come with her too. When he looks at her from closer, he notices the scar on her right eye. Even though the other wounds already recover, only the scar on her right eyes still imprint on her face. Kaneki pulls her face closer toward his and rubs it in front of the others.

"Arima-san! What have you done?! The scar on her beautiful face won't disappear!", complains him as he keeping rubs her right eyes and makes Touka blushes.

"...Ken, what's your relationship with her?", asks Arima.

"She? She is my girlfriend."

When hearing 'girlfriend' from his mouth, Arima's eyeglasses shatters and the others flabbergasted. They can't believe that Kaneki, disciple of White Reaper has a romantic feeling for ghoul.

"Since when you become her lover? Where did you meet her? Why didn't you tell me?"

"If I told you, you will investigate about her, right?"

While both of them keep arguing, Touka keep thinking about her next plan. Suddenly she remembers about what Arima said about the One Eyed King and she rubs her scar on her right eye.

"THAT'S IT!!", yells Touka and makes the others startled.

"Arima, I need you to die.", says her to Arima.

The others were confused because she just tell them to work with her and now she wants Arima to die. Looking at their confused expression, Touka immediately explains her plan to them. She will forge about Arima's death and she will take the title 'One Eyed King' to drop CCG morale since they need to escape the Cochlea first. Arima and Kaneki objected at her plan first but since they don't have any time left, finally they accept it.

They keep moving to the lower level of Cochlea and on their way, Touka notices someone leaning on the wall; it's Eto. She was covered with big wounds even she lost her legs.

"Hello, guys. So, you are siding with them now, king?.", says Eto as she panting.

"What happened to you?", asks Arima.

"Haha, I hate to admit it but I lost to that damn clown. The rests are below there and it seems they through hard times. Rabbit, I mean Kirishima Touka. Let me gives you an advice; be careful with guy named Nimura Furuta, he is the one who makes me mess like this. One more thing, I will help you from now on but I need to talk just two of us."

Touka nods then she asks the others to leave them for a while.

"Heh, I never thought that I will end like this. Rabbit, I will over my flesh to you since I will die soon. But you know that there's consequence from cannibalism, right? And I know you already taking it's effect, I wonder till when you can take it?"

"Hmph. Don't worry, I won't lose before I achieve my goal. Well then, I gratefully accept your offer. Thanks, Eto."

After several minutes, Touka regroups again with the others.

"Alright guys, let's keep going! We can't let the others sacrifices in vain! Now Arima, I need you to enter your lower body first into my mouth."

Arima blacked out and the others gets trip.

"W-What do you mean, Touka?! Why Arima-san?!? If you want someone to enter you then it must be me!", protests Kaneki.

Shortly after, Touka activates her kagune and she transforms into dragon. She only exposed her eyes and shown the scar on the right eyes.

"Huh, what do you mean? You already agree with my plan, right? About forge Arima's death. If only his leg dangling from my mouth, it's hard to ensure the investigators about his death. If they don't find his dead body, their morale won't go down and they will hunt him if they know that he betrays them. That's why I will pretend to eat him."

Hearing her explanation, Kaneki just catch it then he covers his face to hide his red face.


On the other side, Hinami and the others are fighting with Kiyoko and Mougan. They were being cornered, Hinami can't use her kagune anymore since she lacks of energy and not long after Ayato was hit by explosion. Right before Aura finishes Ayato off, Kaneki suddenly appears and rescue the young ghoul meanwhile the Hirako and his team assist Yomo.

"Wha-What are you doing, Associate Special Class Kaneki and First Class Hirako?! Do you aware what you've done?!", yells Mougan.

Hirako and the others takes out a resignation letter and drop it onto the floor. Right before battle begin, suddenly everyone hears a roar sound from above and they see a dragon with a scar on it's right eye and Arima in it's mouth. The other stares at them in disbelieve that Arima, the unbeatable investigator in CCG has lost in battle. Then the dragon swallows him.    

"Are you are looking for me? I am the One Eyed King."


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