Chapter 18.1 - Cochlea Raid (Part 1)

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"You. Hey, you there. Stop."

Touka stops as she hears Kaneki approaching her and she controls herself to stay calm then she turns around to facing him.

"Yes sir? Can I help you?", asks her with a deep tone.

Kaneki looks at the mechanical men then he bends down his body to stare his face under his hat.

"...Have we met somewhere?"

" (Your face is too close!)"

Kaneki becomes quiet again then he sniffs the young mechanical. Touka freezes then Kaneki distances himself to stare at her face again.

"...You..smell of coffee. Do you know a cafe called :Re?"

Touka reflexively nods and she just aware that she just digs her own grave. Kaneki's eyes widened then he grabs Touka's shoulders.

"Then you must know Touka, I mean :Re's manager. What do you think of her?"

"U-Uh..She is..kind? And pretty? (God, this is embarrassing)"

"Oh? So, do you like her?", asks him back as his grip become tougher than before.

"N-N-No. I just admire her! (Seriously? Is He jealous to every men who knows me?"

Hearing his answer, Kaneki let him go immediately and shortly after the other mechanical arrives and tells Touka to hurry up, Touka bows to Kaneki and she leaves him.

That mechanical, he really looks like Touka. ...I miss her.

When Touka and another mechanical arrive at the security, she sees several officer in there. When another mechanical starts his work, Touka silently moves to the door then she locks it. The people who is in the room aware it then they ask what she is doing.

"Hello sirs, I have three requests; first, where is Fueguchi Hinami? Second, please release the prisoners. Third, can you open the circular aperture on the roof for me?", asks Touka as she is smiling.

"What are you talking about?! Catch him!!"

Several men rush to Touka and right before they grab her, everyone get electrocuted.

"Oops. I forget to tell you that I'm a ghoul.", says her as she takes off her lens and show them her kakugan.

Touka sees the officer who near the controller is going to press the emergency button but she catches his feet with her kagune and hang him upside down.

"My kagune is all over of this room. If you guys don't want to get hurt then do what I said."

Even she warns them, the rest of the officer there choose to attack her, in instance the kagune pierce out from the ground and thrusting their body. Looking they screaming in pain, Touka lets a deep sigh then she stares to the last officer who she caught earlier.

"Well, I just warn them. So, what's your choice?"

The last person begs for her forgiveness then he do what Touka wants, he is looking for Hinami's cell and open all of the cells also the circular aperture. At the same time the alarm ringing and Touka keeps her promise, she spares him and knock him out instead. After then she goes out then she heading to Hinami's cell.


On other side, Kaneki hears the alarm then he was informed by Haisaki that cells were opened from the security room on his floor. He immediately heading there and sees bodies lying everywhere; Kaneki and his team check all of them and no one was dead. Kaneki remembers there are two mechanical men who entered the security room; one of them was found pass out in the room meanwhile the young mechanical still missing. Kaneki become suspicious and he commands his colleagues to tend the injuries.

While Kaneki patrols on the second floor, he captures the similar figure that he just met before. Kaneki chases him and when he is going to grab his shoulder, the young mechanical turns his body and looks at Kaneki's eyes with her violet eyes.

"Good evening, Black Reaper. *Touka's voice* No..Kaneki Ken."

Kaneki's eyes widened when he hears Touka's voice, shortly after they hear commotion near them. The masked ghouls with the ghouls who is being imprisoned attacking the place and the situation become uncontrollable. While Kaneki averts his attention to somewhere else, Touka uses her chance to escape and she jumps down. Kaneki regains his sense then he looks down, the jailer together with investigators are fighting with ghouls. In crowd, Kaneki sees Touka slipping through the crowd and he knows where she is going to and he goes to after her.


Touka manages to escape the crowd then she heading to room 1082. After she wandering for several minutes finally, she found Hinami's room, she opens it and sees the girl crying in the corner of the room. The brown haired girl lift her face and she seems confused when she sees a stranger enters her room.

"Hinami. It's me, Touka."

Her eyes widened when she hears the name that she longed for. The person's name who raised her after she lost her parents.

"*sob* Touka onee-chan? Is that you?"

Touka nods then Hinami approaches her slowly, Hinami feeling so awkward when they only stare each other without saying anything. Touka lifts her hand and Hinami closes her eyes, thinking that she is going to slap her. Then she feels Touka's hand pinches her cheeks slowly.

"Silly, let's get out of here. Ayato, Banjou, and Yomo come here to save you."

Tears fall into Hinami's cheek then she nods and they heading to the exit. On their way, suddenly Touka sees Ayato and Yomo are fighting with someone with white hair. The two of them were being suppressed and when she sees the investigator is going to kill Yomo, Touka immediately rushes to them and deflect back the electric to the quinque. Arima disposes his broken quinque then he takes out another one.

"...White haired investigator. White Reaper, Arima Kishou."

Arima and Touka stare each other for several moment then Hinami join with them soon. Ayato and Yomo startled and yet they relief when they return safely. Touka tells them to go first but Ayato doesn't want to leave his sister alone. Touka looks back at him then she tells him that he doesn't need to worry about her anymore and she promises him that she will meet him again.

Ayato becomes silent then with Hinami's assistance, they carry Yomo together and leave that place. After seeing all of them were gone from that place, Touka takes off her hat then she covers her body with armor.

"I won't let you pass, Arima Kishou!"

Arima looks at kakuja in front of him, then he makes his stance.


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