Chapter 10 - Ambush

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On the next day, Shirazu, Saiko, and Kuroiwa are investigating about Rosewald family and in the middle of investigation Saiko keep whining that she is starving. She heard there's a delicious bakery nearby, so she asks the other to have lunch there. The three of them enter the bakery and they immediately smell great fragrant of various breads. As they enter the shop, the waitress greets them.

"Welco- ...Kuroiwa-kun?"


They buy some breads and while they are eating Shirazu asks Kuroiwa what his relation with the waitress. Kuroiwa tells him that they were classmate from elementary school. The waitress serves their drinks and she introduce herself, her name is Kosaka Yoriko. They tell about their profession as ghoul investigator with her and Yoriko tells them that she works there because she likes making bread. She is studying now and plans to making bread for coffee-house somewhere.

"A coffee-house, huh? I know a good place. After you finish studying, maybe I can help you.", says Shirazu.

"Really? Thank you very much! Ah, sorry I need to go back now. The manager has been staring at me for a while."

"Sure, we'll be heading out too. Thank you very much, Kosaka-san."

"Yes, please come back again."

I never thought I will encounter Kuroiwa-kun again. ...It will be nice if Touka-chan come visit my shop. ...Touka-chan, where are you? I miss you so much.

-At :Re Cafe-
Nishiki laughs out of loud and Renji breaks a glass with a bare hand when they hear Black Reaper has her number. Touka tells Nishiki to shut his mouth and Renji asks her why Black Reaper suddenly contact her. She explains what happened to him then suddenly purple haired man who looks like model slam the shop's door.

"BONJOUR EVERYONE!!", yells him as he approaching them.

"Shut up, Tsukiyama."

Tsukiyama Shuu (a.k.a Gourmet), he was rival of Touka when they were young but as they grow up, he becomes act friendly to her. He tells her that his family has been 'harvesting' since last night then he asks Touka to join with him on the next auction which will be held a month from now but she rejects him.

"By the way Tsukiyama, you said that Rosewald family is still connected to your family. Are they the ones who doing the harvest?"

"Yes, you're correct!"

"Command them to pull back, CCG is investigating them right now. On the last auction, it seems doves get a clue about Rosewald family. If one of them get caught, both of Rosewald and Tsukiyama family will be disappeared."

"...Thank you for warning me..BUT! Our family are well trained. Oh, I must to go now. It's a pity you won't join me, Kirishima-san. Au revoir!"

...Well, at least I already warned him. thought Touka as she sees him leaving her shop.

After he visits :Re, Tsukiyama rushes to his house and he asks everyone whether Matsumae, one of his servant who went harvesting last night already return to the house. No one see them but shortly after, he sees Matsumae and her group return with wounds and he immediately tell the others to give her treatment.

After Matsumae regains her consciousness, she tells what happen last night. They were hunting but one associate special class and one first class managed to corner them and one of their members named Yuma has been kidnapped by them. After hearing it, a female servant rushes out from the room while crying.

Scheisse! It's just like Kirishima-san said!

Later in the evening, the CCG upload a video when they are torturing Yuma, they cut his tongue and intentionally provoking Rosewald. Shuu and his father commands everyone outside to retreat but they lost contact with Kanae, Shuu's cousin.

When Kaneki and quinx squad are patrolling, Urie and Shirazu notices the purple haired ghoul from the previous auction. They chase him, leaving Kaneki and two of their comrades. Kaneki is following them but bunch of ghouls with white suit ambushes him. He tells Mutsuki to takes Saiko somewhere but later Mutsuki is dealing with Torso and let Saiko hiding somewhere.

Mutsuki is already get stronger, he defeats Torso in short time then the Quinque Hunter attacks him. At the same time, Urie and Shirazu team up to defeat the Rose ghoul. The ghoul manages to block Shirazu's kagune and forces him to use his quinque but he still can't hold it. Urie uses his full power to pinned him and he chokes the ghoul. Urie breaks the masks and at the same time, Kanae uses his kagune to destroy the wall and escapes from them.

Mutsuki who still fighting with the bikaku ghoul get reinforcement from Urie and Shirazu. After they manage to push back Quinque Hunter, they headed to Kaneki but he already defeats the ghouls by himself and only two ghouls who manage to run away. Kaneki sees his students are okay but he realizes Saiko is missing.

Meanwhile Saiko is hiding behind the building but then a weird looking ghoul discover her. He bites her and Saiko begins to cry shortly a big man with coat cut the ghoul's arm and manages to make the ghoul retreat. Saiko keep staring at him until she was distracted by her teammates.

"Saiko-chan, are you alright?!", asks Mutsuki as he helps her to stand up.

"Yup, that big guy help- Eh? He disappeared?"

"I'm glad you're all okay, we need to report it to the others now."

On the top of the building across them, Rabbit sits as she monitoring the situation.

I guess I don't need to assist them. That Aogiri..they only add fuel to the fire. But that that him?


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