Chapter 14 - Deal

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After a month and two weeks, Kaneki recovers from his wounds and he can move his right hand again. He packs his belongings and immediately heading back to the chateau. When he arrives there's no one at the chateau, Kaneki goes to Shirazu's room and sees his room is already empty. He spends his time there for a while then he receives an incoming call, after the call ended Kaneki leaves the room.

He heads to the headquarter to meet the Yoshitoki in his office and when he enters his room, he sees Matsuri, Ui, and Arima. Yoshitoki tells Kaneki that he being promoted to Associate Special Class and he asks Kaneki what happened that day. He tells everything what happened back then but there's one lie, he doesn't mention about Rabbit that day. After reporting it, Kaneki asks Matsuri's permission to leave the quinx squad, he tells him that they are already capable to take care of them self. After reconsidering it with his current rank, Matsuri accepts it then Kaneki leaves the room.

After from the headquarter, Kaneki keep staring the cafe for a while before he enters it. As he entering the cafe, he sees the blue haired waitress greeting him. He sits and he orders his usual coffee, when she serves it Kaneki asks her whether she has a free time at that evening. She stares at him for a while then she answers 'yes', he nods then he drinks his coffee. The sky become dark, Kaneki is waiting for her on the door as Touka takes off her apron then she takes her bag and bid farewell to the waiter.

Both of them didn't say any single word on their way, Kaneki takes her to a quiet park then he sits on a bench and so does Touka.

"...Err..Kaneki-san? What do you need from me?" 

"Shirazu. He won't visit your cafe again. He..died on the last mission."

"...I see."

Kaneki glances at her and sees a sad expression then he looks at her directly as he leans his chin on his right hand.

"Do you care about him? Even though we're your enemies, Yomo Touka-san? Or should I call you..Rabbit?"

Touka looks back at him then she smiles as responding his question.

"...You found out, huh?", says her as she shows her kakugan.

"Let me get to the point. What's your relationship with One Eyed Ghoul? Why did you protect me back then? What's your goal?"

Touka just quiet and starts playing with her fluffy hair.

"I saw your kagune protecting me when I almost got struck down by steel. If it wasn't of your kagune, I'm already dead now. Also, you know about One Eyed Ghoul. Even it's not too clear, I heard your conversation between you and her. She said were choose to cannibalizing rather than to eat human. Are you siding with human? Or ghoul?"

Touka looks into his eyes then she rests her chin on her back hand.

"What if I don't want to answer?"

Kaneki takes out a switch with red and green indicator light from his pocket then he puts his finger on it.

"You said the waiter in your cafe is your brother, right? If you're ghoul..then he must be a ghoul too but if he is not, then he is one of your comrade. If I turn on the green light, the high rank investigators who stand by around the cafe will barge into there and arrest him. If I turn on the red light, I will tell them to pull back."

Touka's eyes widened and her expression becomes furious.

"How dare you, Black Reaper!", says her as she bites her lips until bleeding.

"Don't ever think to fight me, I will immediately turn on the green light. Besides there are two associate special class investigators near this place. You and your comrades will be in danger if this case."

Kaneki glances to the park clock behind Touka then he points it and Touka looks to behind her. It's almost 05:56 p.m then with puzzle looks, Touka looks at Kaneki once again. 

"If I don't give them any signal before 6 o'clock, it's the same as the green light. But if you're willing to answer my questions, I will tell them to pull back and I promise I won't tell yours and your comrade identities to the others."

Touka quiets for a while, she knows it's not easy to defeat Black Reaper and several investigators also she won't have enough time to save Renji at the cafe. She nods and Kaneki feels relief in his mind.

"First, what's your relationship with One Eyed ghoul? Who is her real name?"

"Her name is Eto, she and Aogiri are my enemies. I don't know her whereabouts and I don't have any direct relation with her but I really indebted to her father."

"...Alright. Second, why did you save me? If you ate or destroyed my hand, you will be in advantage."

"You are one of my customer, if I kill you..then my customer will decrease."

"...The last question. What's your goal?"

"I want to create a world...where human and ghoul can live together."

Kaneki's eyes widened, it's the first time he hears a ghoul who want to make a peaceful world where human and ghoul can live within it. He glances to the clock then as he promised, he presses the switch and Touka can see the red light is on.

"I already answer your questions and now, how you can prove to me that you won't tell anyone else about me and my comrade's identity? By agreement?"

Kaneki thinking then an idea pops up in his mind.

"Yomo Touka-san, is that your true name?"

Touka stays silent for a moment then she whispers, "Kirishima Touka, that's my real name."

"I see, that's a beautiful name. Now I'm sorry for being rude, do you already have boyfriend?"

"...Huh? What's all of a sudden?"

"Just answer."

Touka stares at him suspiciously then she answers 'No'. Kaneki let a bit smile which makes Touka startled.

"Well then, Kirishima Touka. I don't bring any paper or anything else to make the agreement with me but...I will make another form of agreement right now."

Kaneki put his hand to behind Touka's head, he pushes her face closer to his then he puts his lips on hers. For a while, they stay still as their lips touching each other then Kaneki separates first. Kaneki looks at her clear blue eyes opened widely then he stands up.

"This is our agreement. I as the guy who stole your first kiss will take a responsibility to become your boyfriend also, I will carry out my duty as boyfriend to protect you and never betray you."

Kaneki looks at the clock and the sky become darker, he takes off his jacket and puts it onto Touka who still petrify. Even he offers her to take her home but she immediately shakes her head. Kaneki tells her to go home soon then he leaves first.


-Bonus (Touka's POV)-
Fifteen minutes later, Nishiki walking at the park as he catches tosses his coffee can. He found Touka sits on the bench alone and he calls her for several times. Looking at her doesn't move at all, he approaches her and shakes her body.

"Hey, what are you doing here alone?", says him as he opening his drinks.

"...Nishiki. What do you call when you touch others lips with yours?", asks her as she keep touching her lips.

Nishiki chokes and he spills the coffee everywhere.

-Bonus (Kaneki's POV)-
On his way back to Arima's house, Kaneki keep touching his lips as he replaying her expression when he kissed her. He can't stop smiling then he takes out the switch from his pocket.

"I never expect that she will believe that this thing is real. Well, I should give this toy back to Hide someday and thanked him."

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