Chapter 12.2 - Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation (Part 2)

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Urie moaned as he starts to regain his consciousness, he heard someone is fighting then he sees Shirazu is fighting Noro by himself.


Urie warns him that it will be risky but he insists to do that. Shirazu keep attacking Noro and after several times finally he found his weak spot and attack him with his maximum power. As Shirazu make an opening, Urie assists him by cutting Noro's main body. Noro stop moving and after ensuring he is dead, Urie's eyes widened as he sees a big hole on Shirazu's waist. As Shirazu falls, Urie immediately approaches him and hold his body as he keeps calling his name.

"...It hurts..It really hurts as hell."

"Stop talking, Shirazu! You will heal, w-we're quinckes right?!"

Urie keep looking at his wounds, it starting to regenerate but he knows his wounds is too deep and he needs treatment immediately.

"...Kaneki-san? Where is he? ..I want to see him.. I give him..the book."

"He will be here soon. Just focus on healing, okay? After two weeks, you'll be back on your feet and you can give it to him."

"Urie? Where are you? Why aren't you saying anything? ...Where's everyone? It's dark, it's quiet.. I'm scared. I'm scared!"

Urie holds his hand tightly and he tries to encourage him by telling him that he can have a huge reward and his sister is waiting for him. While Urie saying it, suddenly Shirazu becomes quiet, his eyes won't open anymore and he already stop breathing. Urie, Saiko, and Mutsuki can't stop their tears as they grieving for losing their comrades. 


One Eyed takes off her mask and vaguely, Kaneki sees a green haired woman with one kakugan on her right eye.

"Black Reaper, people said that you're Arima Kishou's successor but you're weak. My beautiful Kanae, do you resent him for hurting your master? Then you can do as you please."

Kanae hits him several times then before he pierces Kaneki with his kagune, an arrow pierces his right eye. Kanae yelling and let Kaneki go then One Eyed sees Rabbit is holding a bow which made from her kagune, Rabbit comes down and landed in front of Kaneki.

"As usual you have a bad taste, One Eyed or should I call you Eto? Playing with your puppet and let them playing with the victim."

"Hello, long time not see you, Rabbit."

"Quit with the chit chat, where's Yoshimura-san? On Anteiku raid, I saw you abduct him."

"You are really care about the old man, aren't you? Why you really care of him? Do you see him as your father? Poor girl~"

"Then how about you, Yoshimura-san's daughter?"

Eto becomes quiet and her expression turned into mad.

"I never thought him as my father. Watch your mouth, Rabbit.", threats her as she activates her kagune.

"That's the truth, you jerk."

Rabbit takes off her coat then she covers her whole body with her koukaku kagune, they stare each other for a while then at the same time they begin their battle. The projectiles clash each other and destroy the steels around them. One Eyed swings her giant claw to Rabbit but she manages to avoid her attacks. She turns her koukaku kagune into sword and flowing her electric into it.

Meanwhile, Kaneki who still has a bit of his consciousness witnessing their battle. He can't move anymore since he lost too much blood and his leg is struck down by a steel. Suddenly, he hears a sound from above and he sees a steel fall on him. He thinks that his live will be over at that time but then, a kagune barrier comes out from the ground and protect him from it.

This kagune.. Rabbit, is she protecting me?

When he is going to move his leg a little bit, he hears a loud crack sound and he sees the Rabbit mask has been broken. He sees the person that he knows, it's the girl with light blue haired with a pair kakugan. But then, she covers her face with her kagune and they disappear from his sight. 

Few minutes later Kaneki sees Rabbit reaches the rooftop again, she kneels near the edge of the building for several seconds then she stands near the pile of steels. One Eyed follows her shortly and right before she charges forward to Rabbit, suddenly the kagune comes out from the floor, binding both of One Eyed's hands and her body then some steels piercing into her body. The blood spurts from her wound then One Eyed reveals her face once again.

"*cough* Not bad, Rabbit."

"Well, thanks for the compliment, Eto."

Eto glances toward Kaneki then to Tsukiyama, suddenly she detaches her kagune and throws Tsukiyama out from the building. Right before Rabbit catches him, the ghoul who she wounded before chases him and they fall together. Rabbit glares at Eto then she controls her detached kagune to pierce Eto's stomach. 

" are so harsh, Rabbit~. Are you mad?"

"...Seriously, why Yoshimura-san really treasure someone trash like you?"

"Fufufu, dunno. I never ask him to do that. Not only protecting your also protect the Black Reaper. What's your relationship?"

"None of your business, Eto. You and Aogiri really cause troubles for others."

"Haha! That's because I have my own goal, how about you? You refuse to eat human and choose your own kin instead. Do you want to get stronger as soon as possible?"

Hearing nothing from Rabbit, One Eyed let a satisfied laugh then she approaches Rabbit and whispering something. Shortly after Rabbit cuts her body into two then she sees Eto smiling as she falls from the building. Rabbit turns around and looking for something, she rummages on the pile of steels then she takes out Kaneki's hand. She uncovered her face then she approaches Kaneki and puts it in front of him.

"You're lucky they didn't eat your hand. You can attach it back if you get treatment soon."

Rabbit stares at remaining parts of Eto's body then she picks it up and shove it into her mouth. After several minutes she's eating, she hears the footsteps on the stairs then she leaves. Ui arrives at the rooftop and he sees a hand sticking out from under the barrier kagune, he inspects it and found Kaneki unconscious. He immediately calls the medic squad and they immediately bring him to the hospital.


After Touka goes down from the building, she sees Tsukiyama was being pursued by two investigators. She shoots the investigators down then Tsukiyama turns around to see what happened.

"You're lucky to be alive, Tsukiyama.", says Touka as she lands in front of Tsukiyama.


"We don't have time to chit chat. Come."

She leads him to a car and Tsukiyama sees his human friend, Hori Chie. When he enters the car, he shocks as he meets his father once again. Touka tells him that his human friend came to her shop, asked for assistance also they found his father in the middle of their way. As they go back to 20th ward, Yomo notices the blood dripping from Touka's mouth.

"Touka, are you alright? What happened up there?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry, I just have a supper there.", says her as she licks her own lips.


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