Epilogue - True Ending

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-Year 2xxx-

Tokyo is one of cities in Japan where ghouls and humans live in harmony. The city is crowd as usual; people go out to work, go to school, also hang out with their friends. At station, people queued behind the yellow line while waiting the train. The train arrived and they made a way for people who getting off from the train first. A black haired young man with eyeglasses take a seat then he read a book, meanwhile his black-yellow haired friend can't stop pestering him.

"Hey, when will you finish the book? You keep reading everywhere, that's why your eyeglasses become thick."

"Hmm... It's better reading book rather than being noisy in public transportation."

He looked around him and he just realize the people were disturbed by him. He bows several times and apologizing to the other passengers. The black haired man smirked at his friend then he read his book again but his friend keep peeping into his book.

"Ugh, dude. Can you stop?"

"Oh, sorry. I can't stay quiet too long."

He knew his best friend is a bright person and he can't stand for being ignored, that's why the black haired man decided to put the book into his cloak's pocket. The black yellow haired man smiling brightly then they talked with low voice. They talked about their job in TSC organization then the cheerful guy remembered about something.

"By the way, do you have any plan to get rid of the mark on your shoulder?", asked him as he pointing at his friend's shoulder.

The black haired man touch his right shoulder where he has his birthmark. The birthmark which resembled a bite mark.

"...I won't. I don't know why but i won't remove it."

Afterwards, they hear two guys make ruckus inside train and they stared at them. They were hitting on two girls, one of them has hazelnut haired meanwhile the other one can't be seen since those guys blocked her.

*Sigh* One after another. Why i can't enjoy a quiet moment even for a second? thought the black haired man as he stand up.

"Hey girls, wanna hang out with us after this?", teased one of guy.

"No, we're busy.", said the girl with hat.

"Oh come on, let's play with us. It's not wrong to have fun, right?"

The hazelnut haired girl felt uncomfortable but those guys can't hold their temper anymore. When the black haired man saw those guys pulled the girls's hands roughly, he immediately dashed to them and at the same time, she stood up and showed her kakugan. The man twisted the hand one of guy and the woman kicked the other guy and slammed him onto the floor.


The black haired man and his friend took out their badge and showed them a TCS badge.

"TSC. We will hand you both over to polices since you make a ruckus in public transportation and sexual harassment."


The man stopped talking when he saw the black haired man glared at them and his grip become more tighter. The woman with hat gave the man over to black-yellow haired young man and they hear people clapping of their braveness. 

On the next station, they got off to hand them over to police then they hear a woman's voice from behind.

"U-Um, thank you for helping us."

"No problem, it's our job to maintain peace. By the way, where's your friend?", asks the black-yellow haired man.

"Oh, she went to restroom. She will come here soon."

"...By any chance, is your friend a ghoul? I saw her kakugan vaguely.", said the black haired man.

"Yes, she is, but she is a kind person! Oh, there she is. Hey, over here!"

They look over her friend, the black haired man's eyes widened and his heart throbbing when he saw the light blue haired woman coming towards them while carrying her hat. She wore boots, short pants, and bare shoulder shirt and he saw she has a mark on her right shoulder.


The light blue haired woman stopped as she felt her heart throbbing when she saw the black haired man.

Huh? Why my heart throbbing suddenly?

"Ah, my name is Kosaka Yoriko and her name is Kirishima Touka."

"Oh, mine is Nagachika Hideyoshi! Just call me Hide! And this is Kaneki Ken! Nice to meet you!"

Hearing each other's name, their heart become more throbbing then the situation becomes awkward. They bow down to each other then they remain silence again.

Damn. So awkward, I need to make a conversation.

"Nice to meet you, Kirishima-san."

"Nice to meet you too. Thank you for helping us back then."



"...Uh, are you hurt? I saw a scar on your shoulder. (What the hell am i talking about??)"

"Oh this? Don't worry, it's my birthmark.", says her as she shown it to them a bit.

Hide noticed it then he looked at his partner who looked shock since his birthmark really similar with her.

"...That's...how?", asked Kaneki with full of confusion.

Touka looked confuse then she blushed when she saw Kaneki started to open his top buttons.

"W-W-What are you do-?!", asked her panicky then she stopped as she saw the same birthmark on his right shoulder. It's the same birthmark, the birthmark which resembled a bite mark. How could they have the same birthmark? Just coincidence? 

But then, the flashback of their previous life coming into their minds; when they met, when they confessed each other, when they worked together, and when they said goodbye for the last time. Suddenly the tears pour down from their eyes and both Hide and Yoriko got confuse.

"Finally we meet again, Kaneki/Touka."

-Seven Years Later-

The black-white haired little girl running in the hallway then she jumped into her parent's bed.

"Morning, Daddy!", shouted the girl to her father. Ken's eyes cracked a little and he saw his daughter staring at him with her grey colored right eye and kakugan on her left eye. 

"Morning...Ichika.", said Ken who still half-asleep then he kissed his little daughter's cheek.

Ken rolled over and he found his wife already gone.

"Mm...where's your mom?"

"Downstairs! She is cooking! Wake up, Daddy!"

Ken slowly got up from his bed, he yawned for several times then he goes downstairs. He headed to the kitchen and saw his wife is cooking soup. He sneaked behind her and he hugged her.

"Morning, babe."

"Morning, sleepy head. Finally you wake up."

"Um.. Ichika awake me just now."

Touka turned around then she kissed her husband, Ken smiled then he bent down to kiss his second unborn baby boy.

"Morning, my baby boy."

He felt the baby kicking from Touka's stomach then he laughed. Ken helped his wife with the other cuisines, then the three of them enjoyed their breakfast with warmth and happiness.

---------------------THE END---------------------

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